JLF 2020 Was Serious For How to Care The
Languages Of INDIA ..

As A
Participant I participated in zee JLF 2020 .
When I entered in Diggi
Palace jaipur there on main Gate Mr. Sanjoy K Roy the concept
Designer of JLF was welcoming to
each one guest and participants of Zee JLF 2020 . it was great feeling for me
or I felt Sir Sanjoy k Roy is loving to each one participant of his JLF .
First day I joined many
sessions you can say I was full day busy there in sessions of ZEE JLF or I noticed
the Zee JLF is very serious about languages of INDIA .

In other session I listen
about Sanskrit Language the Speakers
were talking on Sanskrit language or their discuss was focused on live or death
of Sanskrit . that was interesting session . there I noticed past is our future
base . so Sanskrit language is base of our INDIAN culture but other branches of
Sanskrit language is beauty of that base . because we are communicate easily
today with other branches of Sanskrit language . we know language designed for
easy communication .it is a tool of
communication or our education too . I educated it to myself in that session .

There in other
session I listen to writer Shobha De ,
Padamshree C. P. Deval ( Rajasthani Language Writer ) . poet Prashun
Joshi , writer makrand .
Our Vice Chief Minister of Rajasthan Hon’ble Sachin pilot
gave kanhaiya Lal Sethiya Award
to a Very senior Writer of UP . kind
your Information late Kanhaiya Lal Sethiya Was a Rajasthni language Writer of Rajasthan
Second Day in morning
Session I enjoyed to Classical music and after that I joined to session of
great classical Singer Shobha Mudagal .
she was noticed to my sketching or bahi too.

In mid of sessions I saw to senior writer Ashok Vajpai .
so I requested to him for write some
in my Bahi . he wrote
congratulation in HINDI ( SHUBKAAMNAAYE
) .i taken his picture because that was great movement about my art journey .
I also lived busy in
that sessions of two days . I created many sketches of that zee JLF 2020 in my
Bahi by pencil . or many participants knew the language of sketching by live
sketching work of myself in Zee JLF 2020 .
Here some visuals of
live Zee JLF 2020 ..i shoot that from my Mobile Camera .

Or this year , I noticed Zee JLF 2020 was serious for languages of INDIA .
So here I wrote it ..
Zee JLF 2020 was serious for How to care the language of INDIA ..
Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA