Wednesday, July 24

Art Vibration - 674


A strong Art Concept KALKI 2898 AD was inspired to me for art exercise.

iends last month I was visited /watched to a very strong art concept on big screen of cinema hall of my city Bikaner . That strong concept title was KALKI 2898 AD . As a visual art master cum art critic I am visiting and observing to other visual art forms in my art journey . so I watched to Art Concept KALKI 2898 AD .  


The KALKI 2898 AD is a Hindi cinema ( I have wrote about it in early post on this art vibration blog ) but that post was on visuals or story of this great art  of INDIAN  cinema .

In Indian cinema this KALKI 2898 AD  film have done a great business of economy 6000 caror’s in a one month. It is also surprising for INDIAN cinema or that’s creators too.

When I watched this movie as a art master or as a critic , That time I noticed, it is something special because this film have a great combination of past and future for education of Indian / Hindu Mythology .

I am believing in god , I trust in god so this KALKI 2898 AD art concept was touched my heart and vision too. So I was inspired to it very much .

After watched this great art concept my art vision was started thinking on this concept or my imagination was created many visuals in my vision for this KALKI 2898 AD concept. you can say this KALKI 2898 AD art concept was inspiring to me very strongly . so this week some new art form was come out from  my vision for this art concept KALKI 2898 AD.

 Actually I was cleaning to my home (open space / ground area ) . There I saw a old wooden peace that was very close to damage or that was out of use for home , but in that wood peace I noticed very natural textures.  so I collected that and came in my studio .or  I used  to that wood peace for base of my new art Concept KALKI 2898 AD .

First I painted to that wood peace in universe color , stars, fire, dark space and then I pasted some sticks part of plant TULSI , plant TULSI is very pure or very close to GOD VISHNU  In Hindu  Mythology .Or in my home TULSI plants are growing  itself everywhere . So I am in under of blessing of my God . The TULSI plant is a gift of Nature to me , so I am thankful for my God and nature too .  

IN this wooden mural I used also Iron, silver, in color gold, and new metal plastic ( we are creator of this Plastic metal ) ha ha .

According to Hindu Mythology  KALKI is a next AVTAR of GOD Vishnu for KALYUG ( kalyug is a time of Hindu Calendar ) . so we all Hindu is in wait of God KALKI on land of HINDUASTAN.

In my wooden Mural I have not created or painted any image of KALKI AVTAR  but when you visit to my mural work you will feel to that sense or hope for GOD KALKI ..

I have designed it because I watched to Hindi  Film KALKI 2898 AD or I got inspiration from concept of  KALKI 2898 AD.  so I am very much thankful for KALKI 2898 AD  concept Designer , I also thankful for Super start / Dada sahib Falke Awarded ( top award of Hindi cinema  )  my E Guru  Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji , He has been played a role of ASHWTHAMA in this Film , I also thankful for Great Film writer/ director / producer and actor  Padam awarded sir Kamal Hassan ji , he played a negative role in KALKI 2898 AD for give a positive message of GOD KALKI to viewers from Big screen of HINDI CINEMA . 

Here in visuals  you will see to my wooden mural art work exercise or I hope  you will notice to feeling of GOD KALKI from my art imagination ,it was came from inspiration of art concept KALKI 2898AD .

So here I write about it , A strong Art Concept KALKI 2898 AD was inspired to me for art exercise.

Yogendra  Kumar Purohit

Master of  Fine Art



Saturday, July 13

Art Vibration - 673


A Painter can paint to poetry…

Last week I received a message in my inbox of instagram page , it was a promotional common message from a junior artist of My City Bikaner . Painter Sneha Rampuriya was posted that message with a surprising information of her new poetry book . Her book title is “ANOESIS” ..


I were  surprised, actually  I know artist sneha is a painter but I do not know she is a good  poet too, so I were surprised  after read her message . In message I read her recent poetry book is available on Amazone .In .

So It was very must I read her literature practice as a senior . I were collected her book “Anoesis “ from Amazone .in and started to read her poetry . kind  your information Anoesis  book is in English literature . but when I were reading her poems I felt her book is up to all text languages or her poems are creating many visuals of real experience of her own life just like a painting .  

 Painter sneha is saying about  her book, it  is a sea of feelings or I felt this fact ,  when I were reading it .

In this book she has been added only 19 poems or that poems are very short poems. but that’s meaning is very large for vision of readers . For me each one poem is giving me feeling of a painting canvas . painting of emotions, painting of memories and painting of self thought and painting of time and space of poet cum painter Sneha Rampuriya .

In a one sentence I can say her Anoesis book is a painting of poetry . In reading of poems I visualizes many realistic visuals in few words,  poet sneha created very big landscapes and innerscapes too .

I visualize many feeling full color after black and white color in her poems , A painter can imagine it and express it.  so poet sneha has been done a great job as a painter in her poetry without any hesitation . it is great start of her in literature .

This poetry book Anoesis is showing clear confidence of poet sneha and it is showing great possibility of a great poet of  future . so I want to say congratulation to painter cum poet sneha Rampuriya .

After read her all poems I wrote a note in Hindi that note copy I want to share with  you at here , because I can’t rewrite that same feeling full words once again in same tone . so I request to you , you should translate it and know what I felt when I were reading her poems through her recent English literature book Anoesis . 

 I sure  you will get right translator on our web world for this hindi note ..

 मित्रों इन दो रोज में मैंने बीकानेर की उभरती हुई युवा चित्रकार के साथ युवा कवित्री  स्नेहा रामपुरिया बीकानेर की अंग्रजी में रचित काव्य रचना की पुस्तक का  अध्ययन किया है  ! पुस्तक का शीर्षक है अनोसिस जिसका हिंदी में अर्थ होगा विचार रहित / काल्पाहिं चेतना और संज्ञानुभूति !पुस्तक में  19 रचनाओं  का संकलन है ! विनोद करूँ तो कवित्री को स्वयं के रचना कर्म पर अभिमान नहीं है उसने अपने काव्य सृजन को 19  ही माना है 21  नहीं ! पर वास्तविकता  में ये पुस्तक युवा  काव्य रचनाकारों में मुझे 21  ही लगी !  ये सत्य है !
कारण , काव्य रचना लघु रूप में है पर उसका वैचारिक स्वरुप विशाल समंदर की तरह विराट और भव्यता लिए हुए है ! सही अर्थों में कहूं तो भावों का समंदर सही लगता मझे सम्बोधित करना इस पुस्तक के लिए   अध्ययन के उपरांत  !
प्रतिक काव्य की खूबी है और इस पुस्तक में   कवित्री स्नेहा  ने बहुत ही सुन्दर प्रतिक रचे है अपनी लघुतम रचनाओं में और  कारण  ये भी है की आप एक अकादमिक चित्रकार भी  है ! सो पुस्तक की काव्य रचना के पठन के दौरान अनेकों दृश्य कल्पना पट पर उभरते है जो इस काव्य पुस्तक की   सार्थकता को इंगित करती है साथ ही कवि  मन के दृश्य जगत से रूबरू भी करवाती है !
सिमित  शब्दों में कविताएं समंदर की भव्यता और गहराई   को विचारों  के कैनवास पर अमिट छाप की तरह उकेरी जाती है साथ ही   अध्भुत अनुभूति संसार भी रचती है  ! ये इस पुस्तक की खूबी है कि  कवित्री स्नेहा रामपुरिया ने अपने काव्य से   घागरमे सागर भरदिया है अपनी   काव्य अभिव्यक्ति से सो बधाई इस पुस्तक अनोसिस के लिए और मंगल कामनाएं आगामी काव्य सृजन के लिए !
पुस्तक अमेज़ॉन से ही उपलब्ध होगी जैसे कि मैंने पायी है यहाँ पुस्तक पहचान के लिए आप के समक्ष पुस्तक का आवरण /टाइटल कवर इमेज  साझा कर रहा हूँ!


 Or after read to this hindi note  you will know how to a painter can paint to poetry .

So here I write about it  .. A painter can paint to poetry ..

Yogendra  kumar purohit

Master of Fine Art

Bikaner, INDIA

Wednesday, July 10

Art Vibration - 672


New Exercise for Sculpture Art

Some time I want to try something new for  my art express. So I am select something new as a medium for my art practice . you can say I am giving  task to myself for express with new medium . so I am taking that task for more learn to art or I create some new medium for art from my practice cum challenge of new medium .

In this month I have created three sculptures in a simple form with new medium . I have not used that before this three sculptures so I am saying it is very new medium for me .

In this medium I selected pipe of paper  role ( paper pipe ) , dust , cement , card board , thread , gum and colors . 

This kind of sculpture is inspiration from other artist work but its medium is  my own selection . I have taken idea of sculpture form from other artist work but my art work medium is totally different to that  artist works. It is special sound with  my art work  for  your notice .  

I have created human figures with sound of Indian culture . 

I used 3 fit paper pipe very first and after that I pasted red dust on pipe for change to form of  paper pipe then I were created some small size candy form to cement by white cement and pasted that on red dust cote of paper pipe . by card board I were created neck and head plus cap of each one sculptures in different form .

After that I painted that by colors .for me it was new exercise with new medium or that’s result was came in surprising form. On face of sculptures I pasted small size eyes ( Handmade small size sculpture of eyes by me  ) .

In sculptures I designed different characters first was urdu poet , second was villagers of Rajasthan  and third was academic student . 

In visuals  you will notice to my new exercise of sculpture  with new Medium . some time simple form of art is express lots without any extra efforts . in this exercise I converted to paper pipe in form of a human sculpture with very simple idea or very new medium for sculpture . it is light weight , easy to handle and taking very limited space in display area of art exhibition or it will  still long  time . 

For me this kind of exercise is charging to me for more efforts in art . I am searching possibility of art in new mediums so I am trying to  new media in my art practice many time   or I get all time success in this exercise of new media of art . kind  your information in year 2005, I have joined a new media art workshop at Ravindra Bhawan  New Delhi , that art workshop was organized  by National Lalit Kala  Academy  New Delhi . so I am Academic certified new media art master  from our National Lalit Kala Academy of INDIA. Or I have rights as a academic art master of New Media for use to new medium in my new art practice for make or create to more new art mediums in academic art format  . In this sculpture art exercise  I used this new medium for creation ..

So here I write about it .. New exercise for sculpture Art  

Yogendra  kumar purohit

Master of Fine Art

Bikaner, INDIA