I gave demo of rapid Sketch’s at “Shree Raghunth Temple” The cultural center of my city Bikaner 2024..
The Hindu mythology or According to hindu calendar we Hindu communities are celebrated to Shard Purnima parv . Purnima word is using for full moon of a month in hindu calendar . The winter time is getting start from Shard purnima according to Hindu Calendar, so we are enjoying to this Sharad Purnima parv in our culture , with many live cultural or traditional activities in India or in all Indian Hindu temples . Our Hindu Mythology is saying, in mid night of sharad purnima moon is raining to Amrit ( the blessings of God through moon light ) on earth for all human families or on nature of earth . we hindu are believe in this blessing concept so we are following to it or we are not get sleep all night of Sharad Purnima because we collect to blessings of God Vishnu all night under the moon light .
Shree Raghunath Temple Bikaner RASLILA file Photo from my DATA |
Shree Raghunath Temple Bikaner RASLILA file Photo from my DATA |
When we live active in late night for collect to blessings of god. In that movement we are live busy in cultural activities in our Indian cities or that cities temples . we are singing song ( bhakti – bhajan ) we are act to theater art as a street theater ( RASLILA ) with story of our God Vishnu , we are cook to KHIR ( Milk food combination of milk , rise and sugar ) . In the Khir we collect to moon light of moon or in mid night of Sharad Purnima we put to khir pot in open area or on roof of home for moon light , and then we eat to that khir as a Prasad of God or we imagine the blessing of god ( Amirit ) is , we are eating and the blessing of god is mix in our body for more strong or for more healthy or long live in this life. It is Amazing for us .
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My rapid sketch of RASLILA of Shree RAGHUNATH TEMPLE BIKANER 2024 |
I am saying it, because I am believing in it .. simple ..
Date 16-17 th Oct. 2024 , we were celebrated to our Shard Purnima parv at Shree Raghunath Temple of My City Bikaner . kind your information At Shree Raghunath Temple of my city is a very special cultural center of Bikaneri Folk Culture . its region is Shree Ragunath Temple or that’s colony persons are following to Folk theater ( we are calling to that Lok Nritya Natika ) to last 200 years . Ustab Bula Maharaj ( Late Great folk theater art master Sir Bulaki Das Joshi ) was Modified & recrafted / redesigned/rescripted in brij boli / redressed to that folk theater with his music company at Shree Raghunath temple Bikaner .
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My rapid sketch of RASLILA of Shree RAGHUNATH TEMPLE BIKANER 2024 |
Last 200 years to Shree Ragunath Temple area / colony peoples are perform to their own folk theater with title “RASLILA”( Lok Nritiya Natika with Story of God Vishnu ) . They are perform it only one day / night at front side of Shree Ragunath temple . they are not taking to this LOK NRITIYA NATIKA as a performing art , They are taking it as a live educational class ( social study through the story of God Vishnu ) for their new generation of shree Ragunath Temple Area/ colony or Bikaner city too . it is a noticeable talk of their cultural format . they are following to their cultural duty as a culture Master. I salute to them .
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My rapid sketch of RASLILA of Shree RAGHUNATH TEMPLE BIKANER 2024 |
There they are perform same stories , same costumes , same songs , same characters, but there I watch to new actors ( the common person of that area / colony , none professional actors) , new viewers in age group of kids 5 years to 15 years . so for new kids that RASLILA is play / start a new live cultural / educational class for knowledge of kids . it is very interesting or inspiring step of Shree Raghunath Temple peoples or performers of RASLILA .
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My rapid sketch of RASLILA of Shree RAGHUNATH TEMPLE BIKANER 2024 |
My childhood age to till today , I am continue watching to that folk theater performance at Front Side of Shree Raghunath Temple , Bikaner . May be there to a cultural art effect was came in myself itself year by year . The God Vishnu Know it , I am not .
So on date 17-10-2024, I went to Temple Of Shree Raghunath Temple , with my sketch book , I thought I will draw to rapid sketch of Live Performance of RASLILA of Shree RAGUNATH TEMPLE . I done that , when I were started rapid sketching in my sketchbook many kids was came near myself with his / her curiosity for know to it , what I am doing ?
They all were surprised because they were watching to first time live rapid sketching in front side of their self . for them my sketching just like magical activity. Many kids were stand near myself for a long time in that Sharad Purnima Mid Night at front Side of Shree Raghunath Temple . There kids were watching to live performance of RASLILA in same time they were watching to my rapid sketching of that RASLILA too .
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My rapid sketch of RASLILA of Shree RAGHUNATH TEMPLE BIKANER 2024 |
There full night I were draw rapid sketches or my art practice was getting a live cultural art class ( visual art/ Drawing Class ) role in mid of new generation of My City Bikaner or the Colony of Shree Raghunath Temple Bikaner. Many kids were visited my sketch book many time or they were learning something from my art lines or sketching , so there I were contributed cultural sound in historical Culture of Shree Raghunath Temple Bikaner from my presence or from my live art activity “ Rapid Sketching”. There many seniors of colony of Shree Raghunath Temple were noticed to my live art activity or they were giving me smile with their permission or thanks .
There sir Rakesh kumar joshi and his younger brother Sir Manish kumar joshi the grandson of late great Ustad Bula Maharaj ( director of RASLILA of Shree Raghunath Temple Bikaner ) was appreciated to my live art activity ( rapid sketch ) . They both were blessed on me at front side of Shree Raghunath Temple in mid of performance of RASLILA of Shree Raghunath temple Bikaner . it was surprise for me from them. so I am thankful for them or for late great Ustad Bula Maharaj ( shree Bulaki das Joshi ji ) .. his joshi family is following to his cultural format as a guide or as a culture holder .
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Kids Are looking to my rapid sketches in my sketch book at shree Raghunath Temple , Sharad Purnima Parv 2024 Bikaner |
Here some visuals of my rapid sketches or a one picture of my live art class at cultural center of my city Shree Raghunath Temple Bikaner 2024 .
So here write about it .. I gave demo of rapid Sketch’s at “Shree Raghunth Temple” The cultural center of my city Bikaner 2024..
Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA