Sunday, December 4
Art Vibration - 55

Tuesday, November 22
Art Vibration - 54

Friday, July 22
Art Vibration - 53
Thursday, April 7
Art Vibration..52

Last month Japan came in trouble by Nature attack . All world know about it very well .Nature have done two attack in a one time on Japan first was tsunami and second was earthquake both attack was very danger for Japan .I can say the nature was killed to Japan Power and Japan went in handicapped condition after 67 year .that was very painful for me when I saw some video of Japan condition and some news by news papers . I were feeling upset inside of my heart, thousands people were killed by nature in Japan and thousands people were lost his or her home , I saw in video water and water everywhere . some photographer were taken challenge and they were shoot the live seen of Nature attack on Japan..
That time I were update some dialog on my online network for Japan life and I saw all world people were pray for Japan life.but time have no U torn .that was fixed for Japan by time design . that day I saw the god was bounded by time he could not care to life of Japan..ha
In that time a very soft heart artist Mr. Byoung Won Choi had started the help sound by his art sound for Japan , He did invited to all world artist for Design a Poster on Japan condition ,I saw some one caught a time condition and started work for that tuf condition by art with world art family. I were liked his creative sound because that was not only a invitation of poster design that was a open invitation for help to Japan .
Mr. Byoung won choi have posted me a message for poster design I were accepted his invitation and then I were created a poster for Japan.when I were creating that poster in that time my mind was thinking for nature attack and that sound came in my poster design I were created that poster on Photoshop software you can say digital poster ,in that poster I were selected red big dot the symbol of Japan flag and I were covered to that red dot by black leaf black leaf is symbol of nature attack .That red dot on black background .when I were finished that poster design I were typed text on that poster that was my true request to our world for help to Japan , I were wrote { MY REQUEST TO OUR WORLD PLEASE CARE TO japan….} and same text I were translated on google translate in language of Japan and added on upside of my poster design poster for Japan . After creation of that poster I were update that on online art group GREEN + YOU . Mr. Byoung won choi is a director cum designer of GREEN + YOU art group. Byoung won Choi was visited my designed poster and posted a comment , he was appreciated my art sound in language of poster .Green + YOU art group is commit for world care. It’s a good work by art group. In a one week Green + You was collected thousands posters from all over world artists and that art work was created a very strong sound on facebook online network , I saw all world online users were noticed that art sound of GREEN + YOU.that was a true art work for help to Japan.
In same time I were share my designed poster with President of America ,or President of INDIA and some more responsible person of our world , I were also share that art work image with world media and on my all online network , like twitter,orkut, facebook, linked,ning.com,hi5.com,and with www.bigb.bigadda.com lots of artist friends were liked it and appreciated .because all were want to care to Japan life .
As a artist ,I must create art sound for our world I must create a vision for our world I must create social sense for our world by my art energy . poster for Japan art work is a part of my art energy because I want to care all world with our world family, as a family member I will create always this type sound by my art when our world will went in trouble condition .ha
Here I am thankful for art group Green + You and for Artist Friend Byoung won Choi he was invited me for a poster design then I were created help sound for Japan by my art energy. In future Byoung won choi will design a exhibiton of that posters collection and I hope that exhibition will create more sound for help to Japan. My best wishes for Artist Mr. Byoung won Choi and for his art group GREEN+YOU..ha
A special Thanks for http://graphicart-news.blogspot.com , its blog team have published a good news about poster for Japan . with title " DESIGNER PRAY WITH INSPIRATION FOR JAPAN LARGEST EARTHQUAKE [ 2]..

Wednesday, March 30
Art Vibration..51
Yesterday on date 29-3-2011,Bikaner,INDIA. i were join a art workshop in my home town .thats workshop organizer was R.T.D.C. Bikaner.i were went there as a visitor and for documentation of that art activity so my digital camera was in my hand .
Organizer were invited to school students and there students were participated in that art work shop as a junior artist .i saw all were busy in painting work they were not thinking for medium but they all were busy in painting . i were shoot some visuals of that art activity as a artist.step by step.
when i saw some senior student was working there then i were demand a canvas to organizer. they were gave me a canvas on my demand so i were thankful for them.. i were started the drawing on canvas by sketch pen . in that case some students were visiting me and i saw they were interested in art then i asked to them are you want to draw on my canvas.they were reply to me yes sir.. then i were submitted my sketch pen after draw some line on canvas and i told to students just fill the pencil and sketch color in blank space of drawing . they were started with speed . i saw the students were forget the mood of competition ,that time four students were worked on a one canvas in unite with peace . actually i were indicated the message of unity by art space , in that art activity .i were trying to design the sense of unity and for group work by my canvas because four students were busy on one canvas and there organizer were noticing that art mood of students . that was a very small art action of myself for unity design but thats sound was very big and i were said Art Space for unity .actually i am not like the competition system in our society for art , because art is pure inner sound representation and its not for competition, its for real peace in our society by a one art creator ( artist) .as a art master i were try to guide to organizer , they will create workshop of art for art promotion in future and block to competition system in art field.because competition is killing to pure art sence of a artist.when artist get death by competition system then who will create the peace and unity in our society by art space...?
here a video presentation link of that art workshop and message of ART SPACE FOR UNITY....ha
i hope you have read my inner sound by this post , art spcae for unity..!
yogendra kumar purohit
Wednesday, March 9
Art Vibration..50
Actually i have used recycle been medium News paper , Art is always recycle to weak energy of society by art activity and then society feel refresh by art.ha ,art want easy way for expression of inner sound art is not like any drama or etc..
I always try to use the easy way for art expression you can visit this art sound of myself in my last posts on this canvas ( BLOG -ART VIBRATION) i have used cow dong , and simple stick or many more medium of recycle been for art expression . i am searching the easy way for art presentation so i were selected old news paper for a big canvas , after two day pasting work i were got a big canvas when i got a big base of a big canvas i said thanks to my mind , because my mind is giving me creative and easy idea for art expression when my inner sound want to me something special for art expression . i want to say thanks to my God because god have gave me a creative mind for art ..thats result is i am still in art with masters to last 18 years..
Ok after prepared the base of big canvas i were painted white wash in five layer when i finished last layer of white wash i saw a complete white big canvas in my art workshop .
I were enjoy the line and thats speed and my art energy it was a self test of my mind vision small drawing to direct big drawing same language but in big size that was very interesting time for my art journey.kind your information i have create a big art work in my art journey in year 2011 after seven year.. but i were not forget my brush grip and control on color filling ..that was completely playful art test for me. i were build my confidence again by self art energy and idea or art concept . i can use here the world of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan he said for self .SELF BLESSING.. self blessing is working with me time to time..ha
here i will not share with you what i were created in that drawing but when you will visit the video presentation of that art work ,start to last stage of big drawing you can understand the story of my big art work and then you can know it, where to come a big canvas.....ha
story of big canvas in this video presentation....i hope you have read a complete story of big art work of myself ..ha
Yogendra Kumar Purohit
Thursday, February 17
Art Vibration..49
Sunday, January 23
Art Vibration..48
Also listed in: DJs, Musicians, Artists, Poets & Creators of the GREATER GOOD FOR BARACK OBAMA in 2008!!!! | Visual Artists for Obama |
in this days i were busy in art work and its a real target of my art journey in this life.so i am busy in work of art. in last post i were share with you my two year drawing visuals that was 200 visuals . and here in this post i will share with you my 400 something visuals but its not a manual work it is just a visuals of a festival of my home town Bikaner.
in my home town last week the GOVT. & RTDC department organized a festival its festival of camel . here we have lots of camel and villagers are use the camel for transport to life and life tool by camel.i can say the camel is a family member of villagers .
camel is a very strong animal of this earth its live 7 day with out water because its body have water storage system by nature.so it can do long journey with out water in desert ,because desert have no much more water on land .every side sand sand and sand..ha
but life know how to create happiness and enjoyment in tuf condition for refreshment of life.thats example is CEMEL FESTIVAL event of BIKANER.
i did shoot still visuals 500 something on date 18 to till 20 Jan.2011.its from Camel festival of Bikaner.
in three days the organizer create lots of cultural competition around the camel and on the camel and for camel..like camel race,camel dress up,camel dance,fur cutting of camel,and camel use in village life etc. kind your information this festival is not only a city festival, today all world know about it and lots of people of other country are joining it and getting fun and enjoy by this festival of camel.its a international festival of my home town Bikaner,
in next i will not say to you any text but i want to share the video presentation for your visit and i hope you will see the real sound of camel festival by my photography sound.i have update it on youtube.com and thats link is here for your visit.
i have created three video presentation of three days of camel festival 2011 one by one..ha
the link of that video presentation for your visit..
1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7obH1_gX3IY
i hope you will enjoy it and notice it ..
Yogendra kumar purohit