Friday, May 22

Art Vibration - 541

My 1st International Webinar on Covid-19…

Webinar this new word I hear yesterday evening  when I was watching a live session of  art society the art Discovery on facebook network ,The Director of Jawahar kala Kendra , Jaipur ( JKK ) Mrs. Kiran soni Gupta used this word for online Discussion . ( seminar on web world its convert in sound webinar ) it is perfect word for web discussion about  social education . so thanks to Director of JKK  Ma’m Kiran Soni Gupta  you gave me a right word for online art discussion .

Documentation of  international webinar 2020 by pragyalay sansthan Bikaner
This week I joined many webinar of art and culture on facebook or instagram . I also invited for some live sessions on art and covid-19 subjects. As a art master I am observing  to time condition or that’s effects on our world family  so it is  my duty I put my views and art for social support and education of  my world family . by academic value I am art master but in real life I am living like a student . it is true . my many close friends and seniors are know it ,

Now I come on topic , this week I invited for a international webinar , it was a important webinar for all participants because a senior writer cum fighter of  Rajasthani language validity .Sir Kamal Ranga called me and he informed to me about a webinar . he want to know  my view about covid-19 and he asked to me what role can play a painter in this critical condition of covid -19 or what should role of a painter in it or how ? 

Documentation of  international webinar 2020 by pragyalay sansthan Bikaner
His question was very important for me,  because I am very serious about this covid -19 ( unwanted death for our world family )    I am very much critical about covid-19 , you know in last post of this art vibration I shared with  you a post with  my committed art works., i did that on date 22 march 2020 and I shared that with our world family because I were completing my art duty as a social person or as a artist too. I created critical drawing on condition of covid-19 or by that drawing works I tried to pull out to society /  I educated to society about this unwanted death -  covid-19 .

You know in my answer I wrote a note in 300 to 400 words and share with Rajasthani language Writer Kamal Ranga Bikaner. He managed a webinar by his literature society pragyalay sansthan , he invited to some more persons of art/literature and  culture for that webinar from our the world family . 

news cutting of print media,  provider Writer Kamal Ranga 
seven member’s were in webinar penal , one from Mauritius and other were from INDIA . in that webinar penal I notice a Doctor of Theater  art, a doctor of literature , proff. Of universities we all were input our views about covid-19 in  webinar .( some more participants could not joined our webinar because they faced some technical problem in online communication – it is part of life ) .
for that webinar I wrote a paper in Hindi or submit to director of Pragyalay Sansthan  by online network from my home  in this lock down-5 .

the print media or city web media noticed  to this very important webinar of pragyalay sansthan or they have published it very well for social education or information too . so a special thanks to our city web/ print media .

I am thankful for all participants of our webinar , they noticed to  my art view for this covid-19 .
I am  regarding for Sir Kamal Ranga and  his team, because  they selected to me  and created a space for put to my view in front side of our world family by that webinar .

Here I am going to share  my art note for  your notice , it is in Hindi so I hope  you will translate it by google translate or other better translate web page of  online . 

writer /poet Kamal Ranga
चित्र समाज का दर्पण रहा है और समाज को दर्पण दिखाने का कार्य करता रहा है चित्रकार ! चित्र है क्या ? एक अंतर ध्वनि जो समाज या व्यक्ति ( चित्रकार ) की भी हो सकती है को शिल्प रूप देना , है चित्र ! आदि काल से मानव संस्कृति में चित्रकार ने समाज और व्यक्ति की आंतरिक ध्वनि को चित्रित किया और समाज के सामने एक दर्पण की भांति रखा ! अब वह काल आध्यत्म का रहा हो या धर्म पलायन का या फिर आधुनिककरण का ! चित्रकार ने एक सतर्क दर्पण दिखने वाले प्रहरी की भांति ही समाज में अपनी भूमिका का निर्वहन किया है ! चित्रकारों ने ही बौद्ध धर्म की अंतर ध्वनि को पुरे विश्व तक पहुँचाया ये सब से बड़ा उदाहरण कहा जा सकता है इस बात का !
आज भी चित्रकार पूर्णरूप से सजक है सतर्क है समय की अंतर ध्वनि को सुनने और उसे अभिव्यक्त करने को कटिबद्ध भी है !
वर्तमान में पूरा विश्व कोविद - १९ महामारी की त्रासदी से ग्रसित है ! इस ला इलाज बीमारी का अभी तक कोई तोड़ विश्व चिकित्सा समुदाय को नहीं मिल पाया है !  लाखों लोगो की जाने जा चुकी है और खतरा ज्यों का त्यों बना है ! चिकित्सा विभाग ने इस महामारी से बचने के कुछ उपाय बताये हैं !  जिसे  जीवन में  आजमाना  ही होगा अगर जीवित रहना है तो ! यहाँ इस स्थिति में अब एक चित्रकार क्या भूमिका निभा सकता है समाज के लिए ? वह  चित्र में महामारी की त्रास्दी से समाज की  विचारणा में भय का भाव उत्पन कर सकता है ताकि समाज सतर्क हो जाए या फिर प्रोत्साहित / उत्साहित करने वाले चित्र रचकर समाज को मानसिक तनाव से मुक्त करके धैर्य से इस  संकट से उबरने का मार्ग दिखा सकता है ! मुझे ख़ुशी है कि इस  वर्तमान समय में  विश्व के चित्रकार कोविद -१९ के विरुद्ध और समाज के साथ खड़े है ! उनके चित्र समाज को कोविद १९ से लड़ने के तरीको को चित्र के माध्यम से उनके ज्ञान में ला रहे है , साथ ही साथ सकारात्मक विषयों पर चित्र रचना करके कोविद १९ के विरुद्ध लड़ रहे कर्मठ योद्धाओं का मनोबल ऊँचा  कर रहे है !
( नोट :- दिनांक  २२ मार्च २०२०  मैंने आत्म  अनुबंधित होकर प्रथम लॉक डाउन पे कोविद १९ महामारी के विषय पर कोई  दस रेखाचित्र उकेरे और उसे समाज के सामने रखा ऑनलाइन नेटवर्क्स के जरिये ! मैंने मेरा कला धर्म निभाया और वो सम्भवतय  मेरे समाज के काम आया होगा ऐसा मेरा मानना है ! )

I also share my one drawing , I created it on covid -19 and I wrote caption on that drawing in Rajasthani language for  Rajasthani family , in this time I am in Rajasthan so it was must for me I communicate in local language with local people of  my state Rajasthan . 
my art work on covid-19 , creation date 22 march 2020

my art work on covid-19 , creation date 22 march 2020
 this webinar was a important experience for my art journey or it was first time in my life  .
so I wrote about it  my 1st international webinar on covid-19 .

Yogendra  Kumar Purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

Tuesday, May 12

Art Vibration - 540

A Painter Can Critic of Painting..

Art Work of  Sir Ravindra Nath Thakur
Friends we know criticism is very must for real sign of any subject of our society . critics are playing the role of mirror about our society . critics are expose to ability or disability and  they are  guide to each  one practitioner . critics are researcher of a subject or practitioner . critics are doing hard study before criticism then they come as a critic in front  of our society  

 So the role of critics are very important in our culture design , we can’t imagine a fine cultural culture without a true critic . it is true . you can see in  history of our culture . we will see many critics , they all were worked for better design of culture  in our human society by their criticism  . They did that because they are living to  true guide line of our mythology and folk culture too. 

I have seen this sound about critic in my master education of painting . I read to Nobel Award winner Late Sir  Ravindra Nath Thakur ( yesterday we were celebrated his 150 birth anniversary  In India )  .Sir Ravindra Nath Thakur was a literature person,  he wrote poems, novels and many songs and stories  . But in age,  year 67 he painted many paintings and he created many drawings. 

In year 2004 , I went to Delhi and there at National gallery of modern Art , New Delhi . I visited original art work of Sir Ravindra Nath Thakur . for me ,  he is a good painter from his childhood age , I can say it after visit his original painting , he started very late but that was his very strong inner sound , that’s come directly in his art form (  line and colors ). I know many contemporary art critics are agree with me on this point . kind  your information  Late Sir Ravindra Nath Thakur was gifted a art institute to our INDIA that’s name is Shanti Niketan ( kala bhawan ) . his donation ( in form Shanti Niketan ) was proved it , if he was living to art very deeply in his life . that was come out  very late but a painter was living in him . He was criticized to western art format because that was damaging to Indian cultural art . we all know about it . so I will not say much more on it , I want to say Sir Ravindra nath Thakur was a true painter then he could criticism to painting of western art. 

Santi Niketan ( vishva Bharti ) phot by google image so thanks google image
 That same  thing , today I see in a contemporary senior art critic  Sir Prayag Shukla . he is writing on art as a true critic , mostly he is criticize to paintings. ( visual art ) .we know Sir Prayag Shukla is a good poet , book writer, literature person or a very important art critic of our INDIA . it is outside true of  sir Prayag shukla . inside he is a true deep painter ( visual artist ) . I can say it because yesterday he was sending to me his own creation  two drawings images on my mobile  (digital communication format ). 

Art Work of  Sir Prayag Shukla  ( lock down )  2020 , photo by  Sir Prayag Shukla
He said I have draw it .so  I visit his drawings and then  I remembered to original art work of Sir Ravindra Nath Thakur ( National gallery of Modern Art , New Delhi ) . in drawings of Sir Prayag Shukla , I noticed  same  critical sound of sir Ravindra Nath Thakur . Sir Prayag Shukla  is living to painting in his inside . then he can visit and observe to other artists or their  paintings as a painter .  he know the nature of painter because inside he is living to self as a painter . you can notice it in his drawing works then   you will accept it . because it is true . 
Art Work of  Sir Prayag Shukla  ( lock down )  2020 , photo by  Sir Prayag Shukla
  After visit to art works of Sir Prayag Shukla I knew how to he criticize to a painter , where to he get confidence for criticism of each one painting of different artists of our world  . it is not a easy job but he is doing it very easily. because a painter eye quae is in his vision . I hear  same sound of  Sir Ravindra Nath Thakur in sir Prayag Shukla  for  Indian culture design ,  they both are poet, writer , literature person, art critic and they both live art in his inside we are calling to that unconscious part of our  deep heart  .

Without study   on subject criticism is impossible , sir Prayag Shukla is doing possible to this impossible work by his deep art study on painting Subject.

So here I wrote about Sir Prayag Shukla ..  A painter can critic of painting …

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Arts
Bikaner, INDIA

Sunday, May 10

Art Vibration - 539

An Art Action for Rlaxation..

Friend we know art is a substitute for relax of mind in our human society  . The art  is support and care to our mind from beginning of  human cultural  on this earth. It is fact, so  today art is with us in many forms . that forms are painting, sculpture, music , dance, theater, literature , and some more contemporary art forms .
Art is work for our mind,  so it is very must a creator of art have special mind or vision for care to  social minds of our world family . 

Covid-19 is saying ..i know i came on fire side so i am going now

I am visual artist , I have academic Art Education in Painting , by painting I want to try to give peace to mind of art viewer’s . It is  my real duty for  our society . so I am living busy in this art exercise or I know all artists are also live busy in this exercise in our world . it is must today for a real artist .

Covid-19 is saying .. we have taken a unwanted trouble after came in Bikaner

 We all world people’s are fighting  to covid -19  in our world , it is a unwanted trouble for our life or society . it is very danger because this virus is killing to human . medical & science researcher’s are controlling on it day by day  . but the world is facing , today  a long lock down , they all are in locked in their own home . it is must for safety of life . but we human have a mind that mind is work 24 hour’s so that need some work or exercise . in this lock down we can’t move out side . so all are pack in re of Covid-19 to  last few months . home with family . it is must so it is.  because this covid – 19 is not a normal infection it is killer or it’s transfer in humans by touch or community . I will not say much more  about it because you all know very well to natu
Covid-19 is saying , i told to all of  you covid virus , we should not enter in boundary of God Karni Mata ji now our death is still our front side you all can see ?

Covid-19 is safari of death for life

In India we faced first lock down on date 22 march 2020 . that day I were lived in my  room at home  . in room I locked to myself or I taken a commitment to self  for full day drawing  on subject Covid -19 , in drawing or sketches I draw positive think for relaxation of human minds . it was live work as a cut to iron through iron . 
Covid-19 is saying , they are not only mouse , they are anti virus of God karni Mata ji
Covid -19  report come in positive then patient live in under observation of medical  . but when artist create a positive think then a social culture come out to all kind of tens or that feel relaxation . it is real true of art or it is definition of art too. 

Covid-19 is  saying , we not learned about lock down , without human we can't kill to human so time for move back to home

We have lots of examples about it  in our world art history . Great Art master  Leonardo Da Vinci created a flying machine concept in his time , today we are flying in sky it is real relaxation , Great Art master Michale Engelo created drawing of human bodies today science study is using that drawing for study on human body . Great  art master  Picasso created Govrnika painting that was changed to life of social workers and gave relaxation to them . we have lots of examples about it or I know you all know the role of art in our social life. So what I say much more about it ? ..

western country to covid -19 came on earth , it was infected to China and America very much , after that it was came in INDIA , here lock down was started cut to lags of Covid-19

I am coming direct on my committed work of first lock down of  my city . date 22 march 2020 .
I taken a white board and marker pen - color black .

A common man is thinking , i wish for a magical light lamp or ziny for remove to covid-19 from this earth

I trust on god,  so I connected to this covid -19 to god , we know the nature of covid -19 as a devil or on devil the god can control we can’t . it is fact . so I followed this fact in my first two or thee drawings / sketch’s . Our city  Bikaner was founded before 533 years in Rajasthan , In  history we are reading the power of god Shakti ( we are calling to that KARNI MATA JI ) blessed on king family . that power of god was guided for foundation of Bikaner or right place . we Bikianer people’s  are noticing time to time how to God  Karni Mata ji care to Bikaner or that’s people’s by her powerful  blessing . 

UFO said ..its not planet earth it is COVID-19 so we should take foot back for home
myself at home in lock down with mask for safety
Today Bikaner is in safe zone or I can say our INDIA is in safe zone because here god is caring to us, indicating to us for safety  first . 

On date 22 March 2020 in first day of lock down I created 9 drawings/ sketch’s . Here that’s visuals for  your notice , kind  your information I wrote caption in that drawing’s /sketch’s in my own language that is Rajasthani language , I will try to translate it for  you in caption of image on this post , I hope  you will  communicate very well about  my drawing’s/ sketch’s .

I did it for relaxation of mind of my city or world people]s,  so  you can say it was  my art action against Covid-19 or for relaxation of human minds in society .

So here I said  about it  an art action for relaxation …

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
\Bikaner, INDIA