Thursday, April 18

Art Vibration - 661

Art Can convert to Negativity in Positivity “ I done  It” yesterday

Friend art was designed for peace and positive environment in our human culture or life style. Our history have lots of examples or we are living it in our daily life ,when we connect to  any art form ( that can visuals, music, performance and other art form . ) 

first armature of POP POT , none academic  to academic format 2024


Art have nature of positivity . As a art master I have proved it yesterday week  by a art practice . its story was started from festival of Color Holi of INDIAN Culture  . My nephew master Chayan Joshi ( the Son of my elder cousin brother ) . Master Chayan joshi was collected some goj bandage for create Fun after get a look of Egypt MUMI ( for performance art )   in festival holi  ..But in his family , family members were told to him it will give negative impact in fun mood of Holi festival. so my nephew master Chayan joshi was dropped his fun idea for performance of art act in our colorful holi festival . 

 As a art master I noticed his critical condition but that time I  lived silent , and after few days I told to my nephew master Chayan Joshi, young boy  you give me  your negative prop item Goj bandage ‘s , I will convert to your negativity in positivity through art in next few days  . so I were collected all goj bandage ‘s from him room  and came to studio . In studio I remembered to time of  hospital of dr. G.S. Vijay ,( Doctor of bone experts in Bikaner )  he was   jointed  to my bone’s many time ( I got fracture two time  in my right hand , one  time in right  solder , one time in left hand middle finger , one time major fracture in my left leg ) in that all fractures of my body ( in different times )  Dr. G. S. Vijay was  covered  to my body part of Fractures by plaster ( medium POP /  plaster of Parish )  ( we know parish was work place of great art  masters Leonardo de Vinci and Michel Angelo , they both were used to this art medium POP for casting to models or body parts for use of Medical science research . 


In Hospital of Dr. G. S. Vijay , Bikaner , when he was started  to plaster coating on my fracture part of Body , that time I were observed to his plaster coating process . he was used to goj bandage ,POP powder , water and  some  cotton . after plaster covered my fracture came in recovery mode or  my fracture part of body was lived stable , because plaster got hard after dry . so that plaster process was came in my vision for create  some pot  with POP . 


When a idea came in my vision for use to goj bandage for a pot form in that time I remembered  to my sculpture Teacher (  Murtishilp GURU JI )  late Dr. Sumhendra Sharma  ji ( vice Principal of Rajasthan School of Art college  Jaipur , There  I was  in BFA Painting  year 1994-95 to 1998-99 .

In art college after  my painting class  I were joined  to my batch met master Laxman singh naruka , master shrawan Suthar , Master Vikram  Singh Rajput or Master Bhanwar  Suthar .In sculpture department they all students were worked and I were observed their working format or exercise as a critic, leaner and  friend too. There I were many time talked  to our Vice  Principal Sculptor  late Dr. Sumhendra Sharma ji . He was guided to us about visual  and sculpture art , some time he was gave live demonstration to us by portrait work in POP . so that methodof use to POP  was reactivated in my vision when I was started pot making work in studio  . In master of painting  classes at Rajasthan School of Art Collage  Jaipur , I were created a fiber sculpture of POST STAMP SHEEL in big size by guide line of my sculpture teacher  Late Dr. Sumhendra  Sharma  ji . He was created full confidence  in me for new medium fiber casting work . In that big size sculpture I used to full academic method of fiber casting work  . so I used to POP in design of a right mold of STAMP SHEEL . so you can say use of medium pop is  in my art sense from my fracture time or from my college time too  . one more thing in birth day of Lord Krishana ( God of  HINDU ) JANM ASHTAMI according to HINDU calendar  . that day at my home I install a installation art or in that art I create many artificial elements by medium POP . so I know to nature of POP for use in art form . here you can surprise to me ..ha ha 

But in pot making work I used to method of use of POP just like process of medical science .or I felt the blessings of  my sculpture art teacher were working in  my work as a backup . I can’t explain to that feeling or experience in words, but I felt when I were working …now tears in my eyes .. sorry ..

First  I were created none academic armature for a 30 inched  pot by a plastic net or  for base I used to a plastic  cover of a paint  box . when I were creating none academic armature for 30 inches pot in same time I visualized to ROCK GARDEN of Chandigarh/ Punjab / India , in my vision, because I were visited many time that ROCK GARDEN  . Late art master  sculptor cum Architect Nek Chand  Saini was designed to that Rock garden for recycle to wastage of Chandigarh city . so I also used to recycle been items in my pot making work . It was not surprising to  me but it will surprise to many viewers of  my POP pots  , I sure about it . In this art exercise I have not used to any academic sculpture tool so it was 100 % handmade ( handicraft ) POP pots . I also used to tea cup of clay ( created by clay craft man , I buy tea cup for design to top of POP pots .  so I helped to a craft man or I were collected his product tea cup for use in my sculpture art work . 

First pot I were completed in two days with method of medical science or with some art process. in two days I worked as a sculptor in my studio , I created 3D objects for prove to positivity of art or thats power . In two days that all goj bandage’s of  my nephew master Chayan Joshi  was converted  in  a 3 D object by support of POP or blessings of my Sculpture art teacher late Dr. Sumhendra  Sharma Ji .

In next four days  I have created two pots of 32  inches, After pot making work I were shoot that pots and shared with some good art observer’s of my circle . first I shared pictures of  pots with Sculptor Friend Laxman Singh Naruka. Sculptor master Laxman Singh Naruka was gave me some more important advice for give more strong condition to pot of POP medium .so I am thankful for  my friend Laxman Singh Naruka ( He is Appointed as a Modeler in a Medical Collage in City Jhalawad  Rajasthan . he was surprised when I told to him if I have used to method of medical science for create to this pot in POP medium . 

 after that I shared that same image with  Sir Sundeep Sharma the Son of  my sculpture art teacher  late Dr. Sumhendra  Sharma ji , ( I wrote a short note  with pot images , in note I wrote to him , when I were started this pot making work I were remembered  very first to  my sculpture art teacher  Sumhendra Sharma Ji ) in reply sir Sundeep  Sharma wrote to me a big thanks with a Hindi note of wishes . ) it was great positivity of art . how to prove it after it ..?  his hindi note is this …

My Sculpture art teacher  Late Dr. Sumhendra Sharma ji and myself in exhibition of our Alumni  of Rajasthan School of art college  Jaipur, exhibition at Jawahar Kala Kendra  Jaipur . file photo

 Third I shared  my pot making work images with art lover / art promoter / art motivator / art collector  Sir Sunil  Rampuriya the Dirtector of Hotel Bhanwar Niwas Haveli  Bikaner . Sir Sunil Rampuriya was demanded  to me more four pots in size 42 inches height . It was amazing for real positivity of art . A  small exercise was came in a form of art pot  by handmade work or that handmade work was came in art demand within three days . it was great for myself . 

Sculptor  Late Dr. Sumhendra Sharma  with late M LA  Sir Girdharilal Bhobiya  and former director of Jawahar Kala Kendra launching to catalogue of our Alumni of Rajasthan  School of art college  Jaipur at JKK. file photo from my image data 

 So in next one week my studio was converted in a workshop of pot making work in POP . for big size pot ( 42 Inches ) I used aluminum net armature for some hardness to pot . There I used to art sense as a art master of sculpture . kind  your information I done this pot making work alone in my studio , in that pot making time I was designer, creator , helper, worker and art master  but in  invisible side I felt to blessing of  my sculpture art teacher  Late Dr. Sumhendra  Sharma Ji ,and  feeling full support of my friend Sculptor master Laxman  Singh Naruka  or  promotion of art from webs of Sir Sunil Rampuriya . 


Over all in one week I have created 11 pots from goj bandage’s and POP . or that pots are in art form for positivity in any condition  of viewers .In a one week in my studio ,  I got success in conversion of negativity  in positivity from my art for example in front of  my nephew master Chayan  Joshi .

So here I write about it .. art can convert to negativity in positivity “ I done it ” yesterday …


Yogendra Kumar Purohit

Master of Fine Art

 Bikaner, INDIA


Wednesday, April 10

Art Vibration - 660


Gangour Festival 2024 &

My Art Commitment…

Friends Gangour festival is a specially designed  for girls  and women’s  of INDIA  in our Indian folk culture . Gangour  festival is a form of folk  culture of INDIA . by this Gangour festival  girls and women;s are demand blessings of God Shiva and Parwati for their happy life . 


As a art  master I am observing  to this Gangour festival  in form of  folk art or in this folk art I am seeing to painting, singing, dancing, installation art , performing art , literature and poetry  in folk art  presentation .   

Each one girl of INDIA is celebrating  to this Gangour festival or its format need complete art performance to each one girls for complete to this Gangour festival . you can say it is rule of Gangour festival according to  folk culture of INDIA  .   


Women’s & girls are start Gangour festival activities from early morning of the day  to till late night  continue 30 days . Actually it is a prayer activity for god shiva and parwati  in form of art , painting on wall and ground , music , dance , singing , sculpture decoration , home made good cooking food for  god Gangour and Isar ji . 

It is a real women empowerment activity in folk culture of our INDIA . so we all are motivate to  it every year  in our home and in city or nation too. Because it is our cultural duty as a cultural Person of INDIA .

As a art master I am also committed for art motivation of our Folk culture . so I am working as a supporter or a culture promoter . In this year 2024  I have done some real motivational art work for develop to our folk culture  that’s form is Gangour Festival 2024 .

First I were created some illustrations in language of Gangour traditional art , I draw some elements of Gangour festival activities for a book . that book designer is folk culture developer master prahlad Ojha ( Bhairu )  Bikaner ! he has been collected folk song of Gangour festival and he was publishes that in a book with title “ Mahri Gangour”

So my first commitment of  Gangour Festival 2024 was done for Folk Song of Gangour Festival 2024 , I done my  art work for RAMK JHAMAK Foundation of Bikaner .or that foundation was used and published to my art work in Book Mahri Gangour .

Second art commitment  I completed for  my cousin brother master Sunil Kant Purohit , he was invited to me for wall painting of DHINGA GANGOUR at wall of his home . The wife and the daughter of my cousin brother are praying in front of God Gangour  in this Gangour festival time . so I completed their art need or I were done that for promotion of our Folk culture of INDIA the Gangour Festival  2024   . In visuals  you will see to Dhinga Gangour Painting ( wall painting with traditional painting format ) .I painted that on wall of Home .

 Third art commitment  I were completed for  my junior artist master Gopal Bissa . He is folk culture developer / promoter / motivator and a self made folk artist of INDIA  

On date 8 & 9 April 2024 , He was organized Gangour festival in form of fair .He was gave title to his folk cultural art activity KHELAN DO GANGOUR , his Gangour festival was only for girls and women’s .there we man’s were there just for support or managing to that event . 

Folk art master Golpal Bissa Bikaner was invited to me in his Gangour festival activity , so I were presented in his KHELAN DO GANGOUR ( event ) , he was gave me responsibility of Judging . So in two days there I were played my art role as a judge or I did judging to paintings /decoration of Gangour Sculpture and dress up of girls and women’s / performance of act of gangour  & Isar getup .

For me it was tuff job,  because I think culture is element of Motivation or in this positive activity competition is creating de-motivation to other participants . It is critical but it is in system of our folk culture . I think art for refreshment not for competition . May be someone understand it in future for right motivation of our culture of INDIA . 



There many different age group participants were participated in all kind of folk art and culture activities that was great achievement of Khelan Do Gangour festival 2024 or it was great success of Folk art master Gopal  Bissa . He is creating new festival form and he is innovating to new folk culture for add  in our folk culture format with some new exercise through  our  traditional format . it is real creativity of folk , this kind of exercise is making more interesting to our folk culture in this contemporary time , time is require it to folk culture format or master Gopal  Bisaa is trying  to do it with his 100 % .. because he is committed for  folk culture development or I am observing to his real art exercise because I am also committed for art .

So here I write it .. Gangour Festival 2024  & My art Commitment …


Yogendra  kumar purohit

Master of Fine Art

Bikaner, INDIA