Blessing On Me By
Dr. Amitabh Bachchan Ji
Dr. Amitabh Bachchan a
name of most popular cine artist of our world cinema . Today all world know to
him as a Film actor .he is , its true . but for me he is my E GURU . ( electronic Teacher ) .
I was knowing to Dr.
Amitabh Bachchan from My Childhood age but that time I was knowing about his
film work or a image of angry man ( actor of Hindi Cinema ) On VCR I have watched many films of him in my
school holidays at my home with family . but that time I were not knew one day
Dr. Amitabh Bachchan will bless on me as a E Guru for my art journey . it is very surprising for me
with real facts of reality . it is not a dream , its very true . it is reality
of today .

In 2008 I was started communication with Dr. Amitabh Bachchan that time my English sense /writing and reading was
very weak , but today I can write, read and speak some English with full
confidence , it can possible by
promotion of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan Sir .

Our writing nature was
created a electronic relation between us
or that’s continue today . he was shared lots of stories , his past life, his
struggle time or success /achievements and much more about art and family
/social life .
In one sentence I can
define to Dr. Amitabh Bachchan .. he is
a complete Institute for a complete person . he is completing to incomplete by
his art nature or as a teacher . so I have lots of respect for him, from my
deep heart or it will live continue in my life till end of my life.
In this nine years I am
continue feeling his blessing on my art journey time to time . so it is another
art achievement for me .
On blog of Dr. Amitabh
Bachchan I have shared my daily art ,
some special day or my struggle time , I can say he is know to me better to myself . he is noticing my all
art activity as a Teacher , Direct or indirect he is guiding me from his kind
writing or his work style . so I am very thankful for Dr. Amitabh Bachchan Ji.
On birthday of Dr.
Amitabh Bachchan I am creating portraits for him and I am posting that to him by electronic medium like facebook
update or twitter updates . He is accepting
my art gift on his birthday by this online communication way . it is
right promotion to my art and art journey by him .

After end the fan
meet activity I was submitted four
portraits in hand of his helper . he asked to me what is in this gift pack , I said
portraits of Sir Bachchan and his family . he was taken my gift bag and went in
Jalsa . After Some time he was came back for me and gave me a note book for
write my name or contact so I did wrote my contact on that note book . in same
time I was submitted a sketchbook or marker pen to him , he asked to me what is
this I said it is a sketchbook in this book I need signature of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan
so please put it in front Side of My E GURU Ji . he was taken that sketchbook
and went in Jalsa . ( before submission of
gift and sketchbook , I was wrote about that to Dr. Amitabh Bachchan On his
canvas in Morning time .)
Over all I got a big
Signature of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan On My Sketchbook , that was direct blessing
for me from My E GURU Ji . I was came out to all kind of confusions , he was
proved it if he is knowing to me very well as a E Student /Fan/ well Wisher….!
But Story is Not End at
there , when I came Bikaner from Mumbai , here after two days I was received a
phone call , that was call from office of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji . the Office
worker was asked to me my right postal
address or my mail Id for submit to me a letter of Dr.
Amitabh Bachchan .

In that letter Dr.
Amitabh Bachchan ji was blessed on me and he was appreciated to my pencil
portrait works . ( when you read to letter you can understand to his right
feeling by his own words . )
letter of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji was real art achievement for me , it was my
second big art achievement After the letter of Hon’ble President of INDIA SHRIMATI
By Way Of office Dr.
Amitabh Bachchan was indicated to me about his blessing on me .
So here I said to his official
action , official blessing on me by Dr.
Amitabh Bachchan ji …
Yogendra Kumar Purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA