Sunday, March 15

Art Vibration - 536

When a face inspired to me for Sculpture  work ..

Art is a inspiration of our environment . it is in form of music, visual , performance  and food also .
A artist live always to his / her environment in his / her inside and he /she present to that live experiences in form of art . 

When artist transfer to environment impact in art form that time he / she work like a mirror for viewer. It is real fact of art or nothing in art after it .
This live impression come in art form or that art form write a cultural history of  present time of a village or a nation. 

I am also working for visual art and I am living in society so social environment also impact on me just like others .  I am reacting for that impact , that reaction come out  from me in form of art . 

Last week  I was riding  my iron chetak (  Bick ) . then I saw a very special look of a young boy . his hair style and style of  Mustachio was very different to others . so his face was attracted to me , inspired to me for deep observation on his look as a art master . 

My observation  ordered to me for work on that live observation . so I selected 3D  art form for that live observation on a special look of a  Human face .

I started  work by card board ( paper Sculpture )  step by step  I got a right impression of  my live observation . the result came out in right form . I could transferred to my observation in  3D form ( visual art  ) .

 In visuals  you will see what I observed and how to I converted that in paper sculpture as a art Master  

Kind  your information I got very short time for observed  to that face of boy . because I was on bike and he was also on bike we were riding opposite side so I could saw and observed his face look  in very short time , I think  10 seconds only  . I observed  his face in that time like a  click of  Still camera  .
This sculpture is that’s print out in 3D  form .. ha ha .. it is art ..

Card board is a easy medium  for me I know the nature of card board medium  , because I have done lots of art and craft works  in past with this card board. So it is easy for me . or its result come out very fast  for  my art transformation practice ,

It is true  art work  of today , before this art work it was a live impression  or impact on my creative  mind . that face was special so it came in my creative action . it was a live challenge  for me because  I am painter , I have master in painting  but as a task I accepted  it once again for  my creativity or practice of 3D art. 
Before this 3D  work I have done four paper sculpture of faces in past  . so I have designed a format for structure of face sculpture in   card board medium . I have shared that in  my past post at this art vibration for  your visit. 

This kind of art task is giving me full freedom and I use  my extra efforts for complete this  in my own creative style . it is not perfect but its giving way of perfection to  my art practice . you can say I am creating   itself a live institute for me from my challenging art task and I am learning lots of by work and art practice . that learning matter support to  me for  my next art practice . so it is very much useful for me .
This kind of  work inspire  to me itself for more work  or more challenge ..

So here I said when a face inspired to me for sculpture work ..

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
 Bikaner, INDIA   

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