It was Coincident, I created comic art work for Poshan Abhiyan of INDIA…
Poshan is a word of Sanskrit language of INDIA , It mean is healthy diet of small child / age group 5 year old to 15 year old kids.
We know child health is very important matter for our world future . so all countries of our world are very much conscious for health care of kids. Each one country is working for care to health of kids by mega campaigns or they are pronouncing to that campaigns with different names or titles.
In My India the Ministry of women & child Development govt. of INDIA is also working for child health in INDIA . They are working for kids health by a mega campaign POSHAN ABHIYAN .
Our minister of women & child Development Ministry of Govt. Of INDIA Mrs. Ismriti Irani ji is very much dedicated for this mega campaign Poshan Abhiyan . By this campaign she is organize many creative activities for real development of Child Health in India .
Actually she is trying to educate to each one women or child of INDIA for their own health . It is very must for healthy nation or for healthy future of Nation India . so I am very much thankful for our Minister of women & child Development Ministry of Govt . of INDIA Mrs.Ismriti Irani Ji .
Last Month Hon’ble Sir Bill Gates the “PEGAMBER OF GOD” was came to INDIA for visit to innovative India in year 2024 . In His Visit he was joined to campaign Poshan Abhiyan , the Ministry of Women & Child Development govt of INDIA was created a new innovation in this campaign, with title Poshan Utsav . ( Utsav Mean Festival ) . Hon’ble Sir Bill Gates was joined to our Poshan Utsav event and he was joined to stage of Poshan Utsav with Minister Mrs. Ismriti Irani ji and he was launched a catalogue cum book of Poshan Utsav 2024 .
so I am very much thankful for Hon’ble Sir Bill Gates the Pegamber of God he was shared his valuable time in a very valuable campaign Poshan Utsav of INDIA 2024 .
By this Poshan Utsav event the Ministry of women & child Development of Govt of INDIA was start a new exercise for education of child and women by comic books. It was very creative or impressive idea of our Ministry of women & child Development . Hon’ble Sir Bill Gates also appreciated it from stage of Poshan Utsav with Minister Mrs . Ismriti Irani Ji .
Today by a post of News Channel “News18” shared a post on facebook page or by my facebook home page I read this surprising news with some good note or images . so I remembered to my recent comic art work Illustration work, I created that for a child Literature novel . That Novel title is “KHELRAN RO KHEL”( Khelran ro khel is in Rajasthani language – its meaning is dry vegetable of desert side or that’s sports /competition ) book writer is International / national writer cum sports writer Sir Manish Kumar Joshi from Bikaner, INDIA . His Novel concept focused on child health by natural food or vegetables . In that novel writer Manish Kumar Joshi was tried to educate to kids from his story writing exercise in comic style Or he was tried to inspire to kids for eat to green vegetables and healthy food of our culture . our cultural food is naturally medicated for our health or body growth .
So I were created some illustration works on his stories Novel , or today his novel has been published and available on portal for readers.
I also wrote a post about this good Novel on this art vibration blog / post no. Art Vibration – 646 . post link is this .. .
I hope you will take a look on it for know to more about this important art work or literature . Its very much useful for education of child Development . or it is in range of campaign Poshan Utsav of Ministry of women & child Development of Govt of INDIA .It is in style of Comic book writing according to ministry of Women& Child Development of INDIA. or I have done a art exercise for this very much valuable comic writing of writer Sir Manish Kumar Joshi . Today I felt it was coincident.
So here I write about it .. it was coincident , I created comic art work for Poshan Abhiyan Of INDIA .
Yogendra Kumar Purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA
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