Thursday, February 27

Art Vibration - 711

One More time I have swim in sea of child art from 94.3 MY FM Bikaner

Friends art is always create natural fun , refreshment and peace of Mind for us . or when we connect to us to child art  that time we are reenter in our childhood age , our old memories of childhood  age is recall to all past stories of our fun and refreshment of childhood age  .Overall child art is touch  to our past  time it is true or it is only one tool for touch to our childhood age in our memory  

child art collection of year 2025 for art activity of 94.3 MyFM Bikaner office

Myself is busy in child art selection for 300 painting of child art at office of 94.3 My FM Bikaner 2025

 I am saying it because I have joined a activity of child art at office of 94.3 My FM Bikaner . actually last few years to I am  joining to child art activity of 94.3.My FM Bikaner , The R J Master Mayur Tak is invite to me for select to child art for final exhibition or certify to true child art from 94.3 My FM . Kind  your information R J Mayur Tak is a Radio Joky and a very good theater artist . so he is taking special interests in this  activity of child art .

Each one year 94.3 My FM team is organize child art workshop with thousands child artists of Bikaner city , This same art activity 94.3 My FM team is organize in all cities of India in same time or in same month of year  . so they are doing a record work for child art or that’s right promotion .   so my big thanks to team of 94.3 MY FM  . or a special thanks to R. J. Mayur Tak Bikaner . 

Discuss of Child art with R. J. Mayur Tak at his office of 94.3 My Fm Bikaner 2025

Last week R. J. Mayur Tak was called to me and he said to me “you will select again to child art for our 94.3 MY FM at our office just like past years . so on day of our meeting I joined to him in his office room . There R. J. Mayur Tak shared a new activity news  for child art promotion . he informed to me when you will select 300 child art works from this thousands child art works , we will exhibit to that 300 selective child art work in art gallery of Bikaner for public visit . It was surprising news for me , I said it is very must for educate to parents for promotion to child art or to culture , so my  best wishes for team of 94.3 My Fm Bikaner. They are really doing great job for design to our new culture with sound of true art . 

R.J. Mayur Tak IN His office 94.3.My Fm Bikaner with thousands child art works of year 2025 ..

R. J . Mayur was put all collected child  art works on his office meeting table for final  selection of 300 art works . As a art selector I was started  art selection at 11 am and that was completed at 4 pm , when five hours were passed in that exercise of art work selection.  I did not knew . In that movement , I was felt  I am swimming in sea of child art , the colors and lines of child artists were created fantasy for my art vision , I was entertained to myself from pure child art of my city Bikaner . Or I felt confident for future of Bikaneri Art  filed , because at present thousands child artists are busy in painting for our INCRADIBALE INDIA . it is great feeling for me . so thanks to all participants child artists of this painting art activity of 94.3 My FM  Bikaner. 

94.3 My Fm gifted me a gift Hamper , R. J. Mayur Tak submitting to me from his hands at office 94.3 My Fm Bikaner 2025


So here I write about it .. One more time  I have swim in sea of Child art from 94.3 My Fm Bikaner ..


Yogendra kumar purohit

Master of Fine Art

 Bikaner, INDIA


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done. Yogi Ji. It is very difficult to choose the best works when we are choosing among kids' works.