Art Project of HDFC BANK
Bank is a community of money management or business .
Bank work on format of give and take .
bank have policy of investment ( investment of Money ) . at present world
market condition is very down . all kind
of businesses speed are very slow or I think
they are stop in lock down condition of our world . Covid -19 is effecting to
business of BANKS our world bank is accepted it very early or they announced about it in
very advance. because this covid -19 is taking
time for normal life or life business too.

HDFC BANK was designed a art project with concept,
painting competition . but that competition was voting based on online in lock
down condition . it was smartness of HDFC BANK .they were followed to their
give and take business format and
applied on art family .in this art project of HDFC BANK the bank were not
charged on any entry or on voters. so I can
say ,they all participants and voters were lucky .
For that Art Project of
HDFC BANK , bank announced first award of 50,000 Rupees ( but in voucher not in
cash format , it was smartness of HDFC BANK ) I think it was first time in art
competition on online , for artist it was a joke in real lock down condition .
the condition of voucher was . the winner
can get travel trip and some more in this covid 19 .. ha ha nice joke with art
family by HDFC BANK or that’s Art Project .
Second condition of
HDFC BANK was too funny , a artist could participation by registration on web page of Art Project of HDFC BANK . after
registration Artist shared his art page link with his /her contact persons ,
then contact persons were registered his
/ her contact number for vote to artist friend but that vote could not submitted
to direct , that vote verification needed
otp . so it was a complicated task for voters or by vote, contact persons gave their own contact number
to HDFC BANK for collection of Contacts
data of BNAK . it was smartness of Art
project of HDFC BANK . voter were thought they voted to his / her artist friend
but in reality they provided contact data to HDFC BANK .
Now HDFC Bank has
started to use to collected DATA for
Publicity of HDFC BANK , the Digital Team of HDFC bank is sending mail and
messages to all of that art project participants and voters too. So what we say
to it , its art promotional project by
HDFC BANK or a smart game through the art project activity in this very
critical time of artists life ?
We artists are living
on trust or in this covid -19 a bank the idle of money business format can’t
support to artist directly or they play
with emotions of Artists . it is not a positive step of a reputed HDFC BANK . what I say
after it ?
My many friends are complaint to me about HDFC
BANK. because they are receiving
messages from HDFC BANK after vote to me , I also receiving mail and messages
on my mail and mobile number too. Why this is from HDFC BANK ? it is not a part
of art project of HDFC BANK .
By art project HDFC
BANK provided me a certificate , it was for all participants . award goes to
high rank voting Artists . it mean they artists were provided lots of contacts
Really it was a great
Art Project of HDFC BANK . they did direct joke on simple artist family . or we
art family have faced it because we are in real critical condition. Our business
is only art , art and art . I am feeling pain in my heart so I expressing this
real truth of a art project of HDFC BANK .
Or here I said about it A art Project of HDFC
Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA