Illustration work for cover Story of Dainik Bhaskar News paper
Friend some time artist
come in art test . This art test taker are think for better about artist journey.
so they are call and remember to artist for use to artists art . The test taker
are Book Publisher , editor of News paper and Magazine or web world designers .
by the art they are try to create art environment in vision of readers cum
social persons .
Last week I were received a phone call of Editor Piyush Mishra ( Editor of Daink Bhaskar News paper Bikaner ) . He asked to me for a art exercise of illustration work . That illustration work was portrait sketch ‘s of business persons of Bikaner .
Editor Piyush Mishra told to me , we are going to publish a cover story on our Dainik Bhaskar Page with right image of Business person of Bikaner, I can say to them celebrity of business community of Bikaner . so can you draw for me some sketches ( illustrations ) ?
Editor Piyush Mishra is very soft heart person and he is thinking always for art and culture and he is promoting to art and culture from his editorial desk ( Dainik Bhaskar ) . So for his art interest I said yes I will try for you sir , you send me images of Business Persons on my whatsapp . Editor Pitush Mishra was provided to me Five Photographs of Business persons cum celebrities of Bikaner for illustration work .
First I created simple line sketch’s and discussed with Editor Piyush Mishra , He said it is ok ,then I were completed that illustrations with color touch , like a comic impression.
That was five portraits or in that five portraits two celebrities are very close to me .one is my online friend or second one , for him I gave support to cover to his food factory story for traveller outlook Magazine India .
I created five portrait illustration in very short time .Because Editor Piyush Mishra was taken my art test in very short time , He was gave me dead line of submission , overall that art test was for three hours .
In that three hours I created to portrait illustration in right hand fracture condition or in pain of arm .
1 Sir Pankaj Ojha (comers person )
2 Sir Fana Babu ( Director of Bikji group )
3. Sir Aditya Agarwal ( Business man )
4. Sir R.K. Dammani ( founder of D Mart )
5. Sir Kanhaiya Lal Mundhada ( Business Man )
In images you will see to all five illustration work , it was a live art test of myself from Editor Piyush Mishra .
I hope this art exercise cum art test will come in front of our society through the Dainik Bhaskar News paper Edition of Bikaner as soon as . or may be it was published .
I was taken this test because it was a art call for me or from a art promoter. So I completed this art test in very short time , I know art is not a magic art is example of patience or that patience is take time for better result of art or this is come in art work . In this illustration work of myself you will see and notice to time limitations or presser of deadline too. Mostly a one portrait is taking three to four hour’s when a art master is in full practice of portrait or illustration . for me portrait is not my subject or I am not a illustration master because applied art was not my subject I was student of Painting so the result is like this it is result of presser of time .it is true .
But as a artist I can say I have draw to characters of all five person in their portrait illustration work . so I am happy for this art test or I have done it before dead line of this art work submission without any commission . ( it was art donation from me in form of art work ) .or in return Editor Piyush Mishra Will publish to my name with this illustration art works on page of Dainik Bhaskar Bikaner , He said it , so I am very much thankful for his right action of art promotion .
It is a great feeling for me , I have completed a art work for cover story page of Dainik Bhaskar Bikaner .
So I write it Illustration work for cover story of Dainik Bhaskar News paper …
Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikianer, INDIA