LOKRANG a festival of INDIAN Cultural Dance and music , Its language of folk art of INDIA. In year 2005 I were started the art work in Studio of Visual art of J.K.K,Jaipur . In that time Govt. of Rajasthan is designing the Lokrang festival by Art & cultural Department of Rajasthan . They were invited to all Indian folk dancer unite for presentation in Lokrang festival .In winter time mostly month oct.to nov. J.K.K. is organizing this folk art festival . One day i were busy in studio of visual art in J.k.k.Jaipur . that time i were listening the music sound from open theater of J.K.K. I were went out from studio and i did saw some artist was busy in dance practice with folk song and music. I did saw all artist in normal dress . That Folk music was pulling to me because i have rhythm sense of folk music in myself from childhood age . I were created rhythm by "CHANG" a traditional music strument of Rajasthan folk music and when i were exhibit my solo show in Jaislmer city that time i were learn how to create music sound from two wood slice that musical strument is "KHADTAL" i can say i am also a folk musician of Rajasthan. i have music in myself ..ha
Any way that time i were thinking something like a critical artist. 4 day i were visit all activity of Lokrang event practice from folk artist's.I were talked to many artist's and about par day income from art activity or art life . Then i did got some sad color from artist side or by artist life story. They were dancing and preforming on stage for folk and for culture but thats life level was very low and down . As a artist i were feeling pain of artist and I did packed that time from folk art sound in J.K.K. the music was nice and pure because that was pure art energy but thats energy creation way was very tuf. Idid saw there live and i did read that folk art sound by my art vision . After 2 days the preforming artist was started the live presentation on the stage for visitors with full cultural dress up of different states of INDIA. I did saw lots of color of LOKRANG live there . In evening time the LOKRANG event was looking very colorful and in morning time very dray and simple.There a artist was dancing on open stage in morning time with contemporary dress and in evening time that same artist was dancing in cultural and colorful dress. i did saw there two face of lokrang event (front and back )and i did caught some basic sound of lokrang by me and i did started to transfer that Lokrang in painting language . I did selected the color for painting of lokrang the brown( GERU) , black and white , its a traditional color of RAJSTHAN Folk art and culture . After color selection i did transfer the dancing images of folk dancer in simple line no drama no any extra exercise you can say i did try to gave the folk painting look to my painting visual and after that i were selected some traditional symbol of our folk art design for painting . when i did set my mind for painting then i did try to made the sound of lokrang in my painting like a mirror image of Lokrang festival of 2005.

this is a one art visual of my creative art work on LOKRANG 2005. In this visual you can visit the all sound of my study on Lokrang festival , I did used texture , design,'color,line of folk art of INDIA.
Kind your information in time of lokrang 2005 , I did created every day 4 to 5 painting and Lokrang fesatival for 10 days by cultural department of GOVT.of Rajasthan . So i could created 52 something painting on log rang. In starting time i did created two big painting that was in size 7 X 4 fits that all art work on paper ..ha
when lokrang 2005 was going for last presentation, I were talked to Director of Program designer of Lokrang for my art work Exhibition . The Program Director Mr. Rajeev Acharya was visit my art work and then he was ready for my art work exhibition. On last day of lokrang festival 2005 J.K.K. staff member did exhibit my art visuals of lokrang in open theater and in port of dom of J.K.K. That day i did exhibit my live study work with some critical sound in visuals in event of Lokrang 2005. Mid of Lokrang 2005 i were saw some news of Lokrang in news paper Rajasthan patrika that was very close to my critical visuals of Lokrang. So one day i were went to Rajasthan Patrika office with my art visual of lokrang .That was a live study work on lokrang festival image you can say that was a mirror image of lokrang festival by my art visual. The editor of Rajasthan patrika was visit my art work and called to Press photographer of his office and told him just shoot a image of this work of artist yogendra ,we will published it tomorrow for lokrang 2005 news . Press photographer did shoot my art work image and after that art activity i did came back on my art work . Next day i did saw the big visual of my art work with a artistic statement of Editor of Rajasthan Patrika . he did wrote " you have visit the visuals of Lokrang from eye of camera ,today you see the lokrang by brush of painter yogendra kumar purohit "
Here i want to share that published art work image of News paper 141 Rajasthan patrika ,Jaipur for your knowledge.

here i want to share some more visuals of that art exhibition . After visit this visuals you can know how to i did exhibit my art visuals in event of Lokrang 2005 ,J.K.K. Jaipur.
on last day the Art And culture Minister of Rajasthan Govt. Smt.Usha Puniya came at J.K.K. for visit the Lokrang Festival that time she did saw my art work live in open theater i did not meet to her live on that evening but the program designer told to me yogendra our minister like your art work and art presentation . I did reply to him thanks for share this word of art and culture minister of Rajasthan ...ha
After presentation of lokrang art work one day the program director Mr. Rajeev Acharya came in studio of visual art of j.k.k.and he did told to me ,yogendra our art and culture minister want to visit your art work of lokrang so she want to visit your art work at her home . Are you ready for presentation of your art work? he asked to me. I was very open and respected for art with free sound of myself so i did told to him yes i am ready for my art presentation , then he told me she did send a car for you just come with your work , we will go at her home by that car. after 15 minute i were taken my art work that was 50 painting in size 30X 20 inches on paper. i were sited in car with my art work and went at our Art and culture Minister home ,Jaipur. we were waiting of our art and culture minister in her office room and i were thinking i am with my art in home of our art and culture minister of Rajasthan its not a simple talk for a youth artist. this chance come in my life by real and pure + true art work its myself achievement in art Journey...ha
After 10 minute Our Art and culture Minister Smt. Usha puniya Ma'm came in her office room and asked to me my name and about my art education. I did reply to her with my full art information and after formal talk she did asked to me, are you have some visuals of your lokrang exhibition ?I did reply to her yes Ma'm i have 50 painting and you can visit that art work on your office table . I have putted my 50 painting on her office table .Then she were moved for her office table and started visit of my art work one by one . I were still there and supporting to her for her art visit.She was visiting my art work and giving me some comment with slow sound .when she did visit my all art work visuals then she did selected 4 painting from my 50 paintings and she told me yogendra you give me your one best work from this art collection.
that time i said to our Art and culture minister of Rajasthan ,Smt. Usha Puniya Ma'm my all art work is best because i have created it by my pure art energy, and i have transfer my pure energy on paper, sorry i can't select a one best work from this all pure art work , its my real live study on a live art presentation . so i think my all art work is best. you can select one more art work from this art collection ....! She did selected one more art work for her art collection and said to me " its very artistic dialog of yours yogendra.. i like it and my best wishes for you...!
After that art meeting with Art and culture Minister of Rajasthan.I were came at studio and submitted a art news to media ,Next day media was published that news with head line, Art and culture minister of Rajasthan Smt. Usha puniya have been collected 5 painting on Lokrang Festival from Painting collection of Artist yogendra kumar purohit.
That time my some friends were gave me best wishes about my art achievement and i were waiting of some good news from our Art and culture minister of RAJASTHAN . But that was my single hope for betterment of art life , that day to till today that hope is still with single hope in myself art journey ...ha
Yogendra Kumar Purohit