Tuesday, April 29

Art Vibration - 302


1301, it is a figure of myself drawings . yesterday I were updated drawing  number 1301 on online for our world art family  by facebook network . this 1301 number drawing I have also shared on web page of our jehangir Art gallery Mumbai on call of jehangir Art gallery for artist  

Myself  Drawing  Number 1301 , i have shared on web page of  Jehangir Art Gallery , on call to artist  2014 .

For me it is a long journey of my real life by way of art and in this journey  I have completed  11th  yeas after academic art  education . you can say it is  my journey registration  in format of drawing language.
In past I have shared many post on this canvas art vibration about  my art drawing or that’s visuals  story . in this drawings  I have used limited medium and limited element or symbols . it is representing to  my limited  life or that’s unlimited journey . 

Myself  Drawing

For me this drawings are just a self test of patience , art dedication , work in limitation , challenge to time condition or research to myself . in this 1301 drawings  you can see same drawing form and format. But for me it is different to each other and art critics or some real true artist can observe to it and someone observing it and promoting to me day by day in our world art family for continue  to it . so I am busy in creation of visuals by drawing language for myself research. 

In drawing  I am selecting simple drawing paper and ink pen or pencil . it is a open challenge to me by me. I am giving order from my unconscious to my consciousness and saying create visuals by this limited medium about myself .for help  my unconscious is giving some freedom to consciousness so my conscious part is selecting some symbols for indication to myself or that’s journey , that is elephant, hills, fishes, airplanes ,electric poll , textures and a one millstone of love . why I am using   this symbols in my drawing ?  so  you can see and read  my first post of this art vibration  there  you can read about logic of  myself drawing with some visuals . that post I were wrote in 2008 . 

Myself drawing is a open challenge for me because I am creating it on a limited space . every day I am trying to create a new visual with new look .so in that creation time I am just taking a role of  manager of space for my drawing . I am not planning or creating  any layout for my drawing . I am drawing direct line on art space from my unconscious flow or presser of inner sound . you can say my drawing is just a live registration of inner sound of myself  and it is coming out continue from me and that’s result is today I have created 1301 visuals and it is continue . today  this inner sound of myself  is observing by great world  art masters ,  world art galleries or world art museums or world art media . 

Myself  Drawing

 I don’t know where to this inner sound is coming in me and how far it will go from my inner sound or flow ?  but I am honest for this inner sound flow or that’s registration  in drawing format. 

In art history of INDIAN art or In VISHNUDHARMOTAR PURAN & NATYSASTRA our senior philosopher was cleared a concept of art or for artist . they have cleared a way for art that is truth path because truth is god and god is aesthetical value in our world . in Hindi we are saying SATYAM SHIVAM SUNDRAM ..

I am follower of truth so unconsciously I am on path of SATYAM SHIVAM SUNDRAM  a definition of aesthetic. This definition is giving full freedom to artist and its giving full confidence to artist naturally , I am feeling it and enjoying it .its result is today I have create 1301 drawings..

So here said 1301 Drawings …

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

Thursday, April 24

Art Vibration - 301


Yogendra – Art this title I were gave to my art sound in year 2003 . today is 2014  this title is running  with me continue for sound of art . in 2003  I were setup to my art studio and I were gave title to that yogendra –art & designing studio . 2003 to till 2008 , five years  my  studio was  busy for common man  or society because  there I were working  with  my team for photography, photo editing, design work and computer graphic work .in same time I were joined  to Master education for my next art journey . there in master education I were used  this sigh  yogendra –art  in my art work or in folder  of my art work data. In Bikaner or in field of digital photography many photo labs  and photo studios  know to yogendra –art but they are not know to me very well as a art master  ..ha ha.. actually  they are know  my art work  in digital field very well with  my art dedication. By work of digital art I were gave a frame  to this  title yogendra - art in top ten digital art studio of  Bikaner . it was first success of this title yogendra-art .


After 2008 I were joined  to many online networks for real art communication from my art studio yogendra-art & designing  Studio . on online I were identify to myself with this same title yogendra-art . many online network or that’s team are knowing about it  and Dr. Amitabh Bachchan Cine super star of INDIA also know to me with this title yogendra-art . it is my good luck he know me as a real art master . 

On facebook I have created a album of my art work  and I were gave title to that album  yogendra –art  . this blog is also art vibration and its showing  a link in my profile there  you can see my first online website that’s name is yogendra-art ..ha 

On twitter my link id is @yogendraart . mostly on all online art networks  of myself is decorate by this title yogendra –art and on online all artist and world art family is know to me by this title yogendra –art so it is my ideal title for our world art family . 


I know , You are thinking why I am telling about it  to  you by this post . so my friends I want to share a surprising result in front side of  you about this title yogendra-art or that’s true journey .
yesterday I were lived busy in art communication . in that case I were received a mail on my yahoo.com from www.linkedin.com  team . they were shared a card for me with a historical record of my art journey by title yogendra –art . in that card linkedin team was wrote  to all linked users  SAY HAPPY  WORK ANNIVERSARY ! yogendra kumar purohit 11th years this april , yogendra-art . 

A international online web magazine www.ionone.com was noticed  to that card on linked and that team was posted me word Congrats . Kind  your information www.ionone.com  online art magazine is also promoter of yogendra-art . this ionone.com  was published  my first article on myself art journey  on ionone.com  in year 2008 . that article was not in good English but they were noticed  to my art sound and published  to me with title yogendra-art. Last year  www.ionone .com team was created a link of art on own web magazine  in that links they have shared ten links or in that top ten links ionone.com  was linked  to  this art blog  art vibration ( yogendra-art ) . 

Over all I am feeling happy because our world art family is observing my daily art life .  they are noticing and recording  to my art journey year by year and yesterday linkedin.com  or inonone.com   online art promoters were  showed that live art action about  my art journey by sound of informative greeting about  11th anniversary of yogendra –art . after 2003 . 

 So here I  said  11th anniversary of yogendra-art 

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

Saturday, April 19

Art Vibration - 300

Big B - E GURU   Was Registered To Me In  His EF

Big B it is a  title of our Great  Cine Artist and super star Dr.Amitabh Bachchan .  In India  all art lover  or fan of Hindi INDIAN film are knowing to him by this title very well . but in my view he is a real Guru ( A Teacher )  for me about my writing of English , and he is giving me a right angle  about  art vision of artist and about duty of a visuals artist . So I am saying to him E GURU . A electric Guru . its region is that I am not meet to him face to face in this real  life. But last 1940 days to I am continue  communicating to  him by his blog without any brake of communication . it is a very strong commitment of us about art communication . he is playing a real teacher role for me and I am performing  my student role  as a E Student and learning to him very much about my  art journey. 

 Yesterday when I were came on art vibration blog and  I were thought about next post number 300 , in that movement I were thinking  for a new post with sound of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan or  our true art communication . some time sixth sense give  you some webs in advance I were felt that yesterday about this post . here in my studio I were thinking for Dr. Amitabh bachchan My E Guru  in same time his team was updating  a presentation on his six years blog writing journey . it was coincident or destiny or some more to it for me .ha …what I say ? I have no more words about that live condition  but my sixth sense was indicated to me . 

 In night  I were went on facebook network  there I saw our many EF of Dr. Amitabh Bachcan was posted and shared a link  with title  6th Anniversary of SrBachchan blog ..EF DAY ..  i were watched  to that presentation link on youtube because that was updated by youtube .com 

The team of presentation composer was used many background images of SrBachchan Blog  in that presentation  and some dialog’s of him ,in mid of that presentation  I were watched a big list of our EF and in that list I were read my name  in capital text YOGENDRA . my name  in CAPITAL text was proved it. If  Dr. Amitabh Bachchan was registered  me in his EF List . when I were  read my name I felt lots of respect  and regard for My E GURU . because he is noticing  my daily art activity , my art dedication, my patience, my work capacity , learning habit , and English writing skill by my daily replies on his canvas ( Blog ) .

Note:- kind  your information this communication commitment have a very long  struggle story  with subject of Communication disturbance, power cut system, my illness , some time attacked and more and more struggle but we are still with our strong communication or commitment  by blessing of god and time .ha
Here I want to clear it , when  I were connected  to Dr. Amitabh Bachchan  that time  I were not  knew how to talk to anyone in English and how to write English to Dr. Amitabh Bachchan . in first few  replies  on his blog I were wrote  only one to five lines  in very simple words . that was my real condition about English language that was very critical  condition for me or with me. 

But that time I were knew I can learn English writing and language by Dr. Amitabh Bachchan , I said to him I want to learn English by  your guide line  so I am committing to myself for daily reply on  your canvas ( BLOG ) that time he was in Singapore for help to his  Ill friend Politician Amar Shingh ji . 

My Digital graphic work on Dr. Amitabh Bachchan  ( E GURU )  Picture
That day to till today communication and learning process is on and that’s  result is in front side of  yours,  by me after a true and real guide line of Dr. Amitabh bachchan .this 300 number post is prove it in front side of  you. Because it can possible by my E GURU. 

Here I am sharing  a image of  my registration  in list of Dr. Amitabh bachchan  EF List  and a link of  his 6th year anniversary on SrBachchan Blog .. EF DAY ..

 This 300 number post Dedicate to My E GURU because he was registered me in his Ef  List. With full confidence . 

 So here I said big B was registered to me in his EF ..

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA