Wednesday, March 22

Art Vibreation - 459

The play Yugpurush  is completing to Duty of Theater

Friends in this days I am busy in discuss on aesthetics theory with my juniors ( kind  your information philosopher Socaret always wanted discuss on all subjects , he told discuss can give education to us , so discuss is very must ) in my art journey  I am following to his guideline in today or its helping to me in my art education . Here my junior  are reading to aesthetic for their master exams . in that theory of aesthetics mostly all philosophers and thinkers were accepted to logic of Indian aesthetics . that is SATYAM SHIV SUNDARAM . 

Here Satyam is true ,  Shivam is god Shiva  and Sundar is aesthetic , it mean true is like god and god have real aesthetic in self . God is Permanent  just like true . so aesthetic mean is ,  a form that  live permanent with life .

Yesterday in evening time by luck I got a chance for visit to a live play in my city . play ( theater ) is a part of complete art . we can say all kind of art is connect to theater art  so a complete aesthetic sense can give very first the theater art .

Philosopher Plato was not accepted to art for aesthetic , because he was said art is a copy but he was  accepted to true or moral  art because that art can create some positive fundamental structure in society . then that society can  progress for betterment of life.

Plato was wrote  this in  347 B.C. time ,   his true fundamental aesthetic definition is working  todayvery perfectly  by art format . I am saying it because I felt it yesterday evening when I was  watching to Play YUGPURUSH .

In that play Director and Writer have showed  to life inspiration of Mahatma Gandhi . Shrimad Rajchandra Mishan Dharampur a very high level thinker, philosopher , businessman , religious person was changed to life vision of Advocate Mohan das karam Chand Gandhi . Play Yugpurush was presented how to a moral thought  can change to others life and vision  for real achievement of Aesthetic of life. That play was showed , without Shrimad Rajchandra mishan dharampur , mahatma Gandhi was not got the sound of mahatma in His self , Mahatma Gandhi was started to lived to shrimad Rajchandra mishan  in his soul , Then mahatma Gandhi was found to his self or the real aesthetic of life.  By art ( peace design work ) Mahatma Gandhi was won to Anger British system . Mahatma Ghandhi was changed to vision of British Government by his peaceful nature  so India got freedom . we know India got freedom by one concept  that was peace design concept , our  all Indian were followed to that concept with full patience . The patience design was aesthetics of that peace design concept.  

 This kind of story was performed on the stage by  play YUGPURUSH .  I saw that play was completing to all kind of definitions of aesthetics , that was moral , very realistic ( impressionism ) that’s aim was making sound about  create more character like Shrimad Rajchandra Mishan or Mahatma Gandhi in society for more development of life and vision too.

The Team of YUGPURUSH play is very professional so they are very academic , they are collecting money from that play but they are using that for social development. so the play YUGPURUSH is aesthetical itself . this play is giving much more to society  by the way of art .

This play is giving message to all, the unity can do anything  in our world about  creation of positive environment . so the play YUGPURUSH is completing to duty of theater  art according to our great thinkers or philosophers of the world ..

The play YUGPURUSH is following to Indian aesthetics concept Satyam Shivam Sundaram .

Yesterday night I were wrote a Hindi Note About that play  so here that’s link , photographor text copy  for 
your visit ( I sure you will translate that Hindi text on online in your own language ) .

मित्रों आज भारतीय ऐतिहासिक प्रमाणों को प्रमाणित करता नाट्य जो की भारतीय दर्शन के साथ जीवन दर्शन को समर्पित महापुरुष श्रीमद राजचन्द्र मिशन धरमपुर पर आधारित को देखने का अवसर मिला ! धर्म गुरु की अनुकंपा से और उस अनुकंपा को मुझ तक सम्प्रेषित किया मेरी नजर में महापुरुष के पथ पर अग्रसर आचार्य तुलसी शांति प्रतिष्ठान नैतिकता का शक्ति पीठ के अध्यक्ष श्री लूणकरण छाजेड़ जी और उनके साथ महामंत्री श्री जतन दुगर जी ने, ( मेरे व्हाटसअप पर ) !
उनके स्नेह और नाट्यकला के प्रति अभिरुजी और जिज्ञासा ने मुझे अपने आप को ठीक समय पर प्रस्तुत करने को बाध्य कर दिया और मैं समय पर उपस्थित हुआ तेरापंथ भवन बीकानेर में ! जहाँ नाट्य प्रस्तुति युगपुरुष की २७३ वी प्रस्तुति बीकानेर में होनी थी और हुई भी !
जितना मैंने नाट्यशास्त्र के रचेयता भरतमुनि को पढ़ा या कलाओं के अन्तर्सम्बन्ध को जाना वो मैंने आज बड़े स्टेज पर यथार्थ रूप में प्रगटित होते देखा !
नाट्य कला बहु उदेश्य और समस्त कलाओं का संयोजन माना जाता है वो कैसे होता है आज प्रायोगिक रूप में देखा ! समूह किस प्रकार से बड़े से बड़े कार्य को सहज कर देता है वो भी नाट्य कला के जटिल कार्य को ! तेरापंथ भवन के सत्संग के पंडाल में बने सत्संग के मंच को युग पुरुष नाट्य की टीम ने रंगमंच में तब्दील करदिया ! तपो भूमि या उस तेरापंथ आश्रम में धर्म, जीवन , दर्शन,और जीवन लक्ष्य का पाठ महात्मा के महात्मा की जीवन यात्रा को नाटक में किरदारो से अभिनीत करवाकर इतिहास को पुनः जिवंत करके यथार्थ भाव दर्शकों के समक्ष प्रस्तुत कर दिया ! इतना ही नहीं नाटक से अर्जित होने वाली धन राशि से चिकित्सालय का निर्माण कार्य सम्पन होगा तो दर्शक दीर्घा में बैठे असंख्य व्यक्तित्व महात्मा ग़ांधी जी के जीवन यात्रा वृतांत से लेकर महापुरुष श्रीमद राजचन्द्र मिशन धरमपुर के समष्टि गत दर्शन को भी जान रहे है ! मात्र तीन महीनो में नाट्य की २७३ प्रस्तुति आज तक हो जाना कोई सहज और सरल कार्य नहीं सो इसे एक राष्ट्रिय प्रोजेक्ट के रूप में भी देखने और समझने का अवसर सभी दर्शकों को मिलेगा ! सही सही कहूँ तो पुरे भारत वर्ष और साथ में समूचे विश्व को !
युगपुरुष नाट्य रचना ये स्पष्ट करती है की किस प्रकार एडवोकेट मोहन दास करमचंद ग़ांधी , महात्मा ग़ांधी बने और उनके प्रेरणा पुंज किस प्रकार से महापुरुष श्रीमद राजचन्द्र मिशन धरमपुर बने ( नाटक में कलात्मक समालोचना की दृष्टि से एक द्रश्य में मंच पर गाँधी के तीन रूपक , एक साथ ही मंच से दिखाया गया जो अति प्रयोग प्रतीत हुआ , वही युवा गाँधी और महापुरुष श्रीमद राजचन्द्र मिशन धरमपुर के मध्य पत्राचार में भी बुजुर्ग ग़ांधी को पत्रवाहक के रूप में काम में लिया गया ! जो नाटक की और गाँधी की नैतिक छवि को अशोभित करता सा प्रर्तित हुआ , उस प्रयोग की भी आवश्यकता नहीं थी मेरी दृस्टि से! उस जगह एक अन्य अभिनेता डाकिये की वेश भूषा में पत्र वाहक का कार्य आराम से कर सकता था मंच पर ! )
मंच सझा में पूर्ण रूप से अभ्यास किया हुआ था कम में ज्यादा दिखाया गया , पार्श्व में कई द्रश्य दर्शाये गए सभी यथार्थ और सजीव से प्रतीत होते रहे ( तकनिकी पक्ष सुदृढ़ परिपक्व ) ! ये उस नाट्य प्रस्तुती की सब से मजबूत कड़ी थी जिसकी जितनी तारीफ़ करे कम है !
कुल मिलाकर आज एक और प्रोफेशनल थिएटर को उसके सामाजिक दायित्व की भूमिका को पूर्ण रूप से निभाते हुए देखा ! साथ में सोन्दर्यानुभूति हुई सो सोने में सुहाग रहा ! मैं बधाई देना चाहूंगा युगपुरुष महात्मा के महात्मा नाट्य के निर्देशक श्री राजेश जोशी जी को और उनकी पूरी टीम को की उन्होंने आज पुनः महात्मा गाँधी और उनके जीवन दर्शन के साथ साथ महापुरुष श्रीमद राजचन्द्र मिशन धरमपुर की स्मृति को जिवंत कर दिया अपने यथार्थ नाट्य प्रस्तुतिकरण से , सो वे साधुवाद के पात्र भी है अब से !
फोटो साझा कर रहा हूँ एक कलाकार की दृस्टि से एक दो ही ले पाया बाद में मुझे रोक दिया गया सो मैंने रोकने वाले महानुभाव के आग्रह की रक्षा की और उन्हें तकलीफ न हो इसलिए कोई अन्यत्र फोटो लेने का प्रयास भी नहीं किया उस नाट्य प्रस्तुति का ! ( सत्य यही है और जो सत्य हे वही शिव है और जो शिव है वही सुन्दर है !) मुझे उम्मीद है मेरे फोटो अपडेट करने से युगपुरुष नाट्य टीम को कोई आपत्ति नहीं होगी ! क्यों की उनके कला सृजन और आयाम को मैं मेरे ऑनलाइन नेटवर्क से असंख्य कला प्रेमियों तक प्रेषित कर के उनके इस मिशन में सहयोगी की भूमिका ही निभाने का प्रयत्न भर कर रहा हूँ और कुछ नहीं ! क्यों की कला के सृजन पथ पर मैं भी हूँ , और सच्ची कला सब की है इस मनसा से सब तक प्रेषित कर रहा हूँ ! इस युगपुरुष नाट्य प्रस्तुति की एक दो फोटो मेरे इस शार्ट नोट के साथ फेसबुक व् अन्य ऑनलाइन नेटवर्क्स के माध्यम से ! ( संभवतः डॉ. अमिताभ बच्चन जी के साथ भी इस अद्भुत अनुभूति को उनके ब्लॉग पर भी साझा करूँगा हमारे ई एफ फॅमिली के अनुभव के लिए )

Plato said a art can give moral aspects then that art is useful , this same talk I was felt in play YUGPURUSH yesterday night when I was watched that .

So here I can say it ,  The play YUGPURUSH is completing to duty of theater …

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

Wednesday, March 15

Art Vibration - 458

I Fill The color of art
In Our Bikaneri Holi

Holi the festival of Colors. We Indian are celebrate it by colors for fill the color in others  heart through our fresh and  happy feelings . visually we paint or put the color on others but virtually we are fill and paint the color of love on their heart and vision . we put our impression on others vision . 

As a art master I also fill the color of holi in others from my art activity in this Holi of Bikaner city. My childhood age to till today I am continue playing holi in my city and every year I use something artistic and different form about  fun creation , It can everything like crafted cap in large size some different kind of getup,  like  a joker and very different to common man . 

Last two years to I am continue play the getup of cricketer Malinga the Shri Lankan player . you know my city people ( fun lover ) are organizing Faaganiya football match in Bikaner . I said about this fun full football  game on this art vibration , I think last year . so go back and see that post on this art vibration  blog .

 As a art master I think  color is a very philosophical word. In painting we can see it direct in form of red , green blue , pink, yellow orange and much more shades but that is symbolic color.  the real color is very different and hidden . the paintings color have two kind of impression , first is visual impression and second is hidden impression that is work on heart or vision of viewers . but in other art like dance, acting, music and performing art have only one color that is hidden color or that’s impression is also live in hidden condition . a viewer can feel that and a performer can fill that in others heart and vision by performance . but that color impression is work like same work of painting colors or that’s impression . actually art is work like a white wash on heart and vision of people . art is making refreshment of mind of  society . so I was played  my role as a art master in mid of my Bikaner society on special occasion Holi . 

This year in holi festival I was taken getup of cricketer Malinga and went to our Dharnidhar sport ground Bikaner . there I was  registered  my name for faaganiya footbal match . first I was created a natural fun from  my look,  second I registered my name as a cricket player malinga , thried I played football , so in first look of myself people were smiling, there on that movement I was filling the colors in heart and vision of people from  my performance .  

I noticed there all were want to touch to me and they want to take  selfies with me . I was created a free space for their selfies before the game . many kids and senior persons plus media persons were shoot to me from their cameras . 

In that ground I was  not painted any painting by colors but  from  my live act I was filled lots of fun full colors in vision of viewers . you can say that was  my extra art exercise with performing art about natural color filling work on many canvas ( people heart and vision ) in a one time . 

As a player I was  showed  my attitude in that ground , so you can say I was in character of player Malinga as a actor . the speakers and crowd were  calling to me Malinga Malinga when I kicked  to football from  my lag .  

They were enjoying to my character or that’s game combination that was funny very funny ..ha ha ha ..sorry I am laughing  now here mid of writing  to this post. Really that was real fun , I could  created that for people . 

There in ground I did not get any goal from my lag but by my live performance I got real goal of fun , I was created that for peoples , 

The team of Bikaner city blog ( Photographers  group page  on online networks ) was showed a very funny condition in that ground for myself  , I was connected with them on their whatsapp group  page . there I was  sharing my selfies as a photo image but some young photographers were not liked that so they have blocked to me on their whatsapp group page. On day of faaganiya football match they all were there and shooting to myself from their own camera ..ha ha ha ..that was very funny for me so I did laughed very much on their artistic vision.. here on online they have shared a photo presentation for me in that presentation they have added many photographs of myself  ..  ha ha .. their presentation link is here for  your visit..

There I noticed many press photographers were shooting to that live fun game and many electric media persons were taken interviews of players of that faaganiya football match. A reporter of ANI , AAJ TAK , ZEE TV  Master Jethmal  was taken my interview , I was gave   interview in my funny English so he said this interview will run tomorrow on national TV or that’s news . Actually in school time we both are in a same school and many time he was invited  to me for cricket match, when he need some players for his wining match .. so my Malinga look was impressed to him and  recalling to his childhood age or his cricket games , there   in that time I was filling the color in him from my art colors. Or he was want to saved that live fun  movement in his camera so he did shoot myself and taken my interview too . 
When I was played in ground in same time  my two nephew master Chayan joshi and master Mayank Joshi also trying to perform something for fun of people or fun of himself . the kids were learning how to get fun or how to create fun by live performance in that play ground about Color of Holi . 

That match was male V/S  female ( kind your information all females were  males  ) ha ha .. like  the Kapil Sharma Show . ( The kapil Sharma Show also inspired to  culture of Bikaneri Holi )  

Here I have also updated a photo presentation of faaganiya football or  my getup with fun of holi . 

 I sure this post will fill some more color of Bikaneri holi in you . I can know it , from your comment on this blog post,  so please comment on it from your online  account . thanks  .

Actually by  my presence or getup I was filled the color of holi in vision of people , I did guiding  to kids how to enjoy to holi with self enjoyment or by  safe activity in mid of people with lots of respect . 

The smile of peoples were  showing to me  my success , I could successful, in fill the color of Holi in vision of people without colors of painting  .

So here I said I fill the color of art in our Bikaneri holi …

Yogendra  kumar Purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA