Wednesday, December 31

Art Vibration - 349

Art Commitment for - 2015

Friends we are going in next year after today mid night . so i thought some about commitment of new year. 
this small post is just a greeting of new year with sound of new art  commitment for 2015 . 

This commitment  language  writing in Hindi text .but this commitment for all language of peace design of our world . its sense is same in all language when you transfer to it in your own language , but  you can feel it , when  you  think like me about love and peace design in our world by sound of creativity or art. 

here thats new art commitment copy for  your observation with a creative digital greeting image  . i were created it for  you by support of Photoshop software + photography work image of Sir Dabboo Ratnani ( a Great Photographer of INDIA ) + Dr. Amitabh Bachchan Sir and his blog team , because they were provided this image on web world from Blog of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan Sir . So i am thankful for all of  them. 

Now you can see  it  and read it ..for 2015..

मित्रों आज हम फिर अंतिम दिन पर आगये एक और साल के, हां २०१४ आज समाप्त हो रहा है वर्तमान से और वो अतीत होने जा रहा है हमारे जीवन का ! इस साल भी इस फेसबुक पर हम साथ साथ चले अपने जीवन और सृजन अनुभव को साझा करते करते एक दूसरे को सुनते सुनाते सृजन के अंतर गूंज का संवाद करते करते और आज आगये २०१४ के अंतिम दिन पर ! यहां से फिर से नया उत्साह और जोश भरकर हम नए साल में भी प्रवेश करेंगे एक साथ आज मध्य रात्रि के बाद २०१५ में !नए संकल्प सृजन और संवाद के जरिये विश्व शांति ,खुशहाली , स्नेह और मित्रता के भाव से !
सो मित्रों आप सब को मेरी और से नव वर्ष की ढेरों शुभ कामनाएं इस ग्रीटिंग इमेज के साथ … जय हो …

 So once again i am wishing to all of  you  my world art family members..

Very happy New year 2015

and i said to it Art Commitment for 2015 ..

Yogendra  Kumar Purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

Monday, December 29

Art Vibration - 348

Creativity Work By Soul Power

cuk gS ’kkg dk eqykfte]fQjs gS brjkrk !
cxjuk ’kgj es fd xkfyc]dh vkc# D;k gS !!

This poetic lines were came out from vision of great poet of INDIA , we are calling to him GALIB . in this poetic words he was proved his real soul power and sound of his true creativity so here i started  this post with his true poetic words .

In this poetry he said his true love of creativity and criticize on a worker of King . Sir  Galib said  to worker of king , you are in ego because  you are with power of king , in this ego condition you are exposing to my condition in society  like a non states person . but realty was very different. Today we all know to creativity of Sir Galib not to that egoist  worker of king is true ..

I remember this story because last week I were saw  a very close story of Sir Galib with a another creative person or a writer of Rajasthani language . a society of literature persons were went to home of a very senior writer sir SuryaShankar  Pareek , a 93 years old  writer of Rajasthani language language is a medium for him or our creativity. so it is not a matter for my thinking , he is a writer in but in  my view he is a very creative person of  my nation . by text he was created many views for literature readers or observers . 

He has dedicated his life for Rajasthani Literature . at his home I saw he was in very critical condition today , he can’t walk, he can’t move by himself , he can’t see to any one properly but his soul power is working in him for his true creativity . when we were talked to him then he was shared some good creative poetries  with us in his own  voice without any book reading ,. In his critical  condition he was very conscious for his memory or about creative work of poetry . there I were noticed creativity is work by soul power  in a life of creative person. 

I could understood his soul power was wanted more space for express to his self  but his body was  not supporting to him that critical condition was blocking to his creativity , it was critical . he want to talk but his body energy was not permitted to him much more talk, he want write but his hand is not support to him for creative writing . but in his consciousness he have soul power for more creativity . I can say  time is attacking on creative person  by side of age sector , it is natural  so we human have no any way for come out to  this age factor system in our life. 

There we all literature and art persons were gave a reward + respect to Rajasthani Writer Sir SuyraShankar Pareek . that time he was very happy and in tens for language of Rajasthani .he said Rajasthani language is  our  mother . ( it was a noticeable point , because a dedicated senior creative writer of India was said  it , in his 93 years age ) .

After Activity of Reward and photo session. there  ( I did photography of that live reward activity by me  as a art master . in a small room I were set a small set for better group photo of all literature persons . I am happy if I could done that .  ) creative writer Sir SuryaShankar pareek  was gave a order to his grandson , his grandson was gifted to us a book of sir SuryaShankar pareek . that was poetry book of rajasthani language .

As a record we all literature and art persons of that reward activity were taken a autograph to sir Suryashankar pareek on his  book . that movement was very critical because he want to gave autograph to everyone and he was giving but he could not wrote any words of his name as a autograph , we all were got only fresh lines from his energy that was came out from his soul power and his body was following to that presser of his soul power for write his name.  but his hand was not supporting completely  to his mind order so he was draw line on his books as a autograph . I did gave respect to his soul power or to his fresh line. because I knew his creativity and soul power was working  but his body and age was not supporting to him  in his 93 years age . 

so after saw  that live critical condition of creativity  I said here creativity is work by soul power ..

yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

Friday, December 26

Art Vibration - 347

What Is Income Of Art ?

Photo from google image ..Mother Teresa
Today our world is going for next year of our earth life with our contemporary life culture . today our life is very fast and in fast life  we human are thinking for gain to everything in very short time . we think our life base is lots of income of money  . but as a art master I am thinking about income,  then I am always getting a one question from me that is what is income of art ? 

You know after  my B.F.A. art education I were started  my own art studio in year 2003 .seven years continue I were gave art service to society from  my art studio by work of digital photography  art work. In that seven years I were felt to myself as a machine of photo editing or then printing. my art sound was not felt completeness  in myself . I were asked to myself what I am doing income or what ? I asked to myself it is  your art income ? only digital art work is  your true and final art ? can it give  you  your real art  income ? this kind of questions were  compressing to  my thinking and I were going in tens . but I were not got  a right answer about question of what is income of art ?

In year 2010 , on 1st January , I were broken to all limitations or pressers of  my mind , I were started new thinking about income of art . In 1st January 2010 , I were closed to  my art studio for social art service or income of money  . that was very critical action of myself  for social system but there I were knew that studio job is not  my real art income in this art journey . 

I were blocked to way of  money for  my art studio and I were stopped to digital photography service from my art studio . I were locked  to main door of  my art studio. This year is fourth year of lock on my studio . 

When I were stop to social income of money that time I were informed  to Dr. Amitab Bachchan  ( cine artist of INDIAN cinema ) Sir very first . he was noticed  my critical art condition and then he was promoted to me for this art journey . He was noticed  my art motion and sense of visual art or  my art degree level . he was guided me  I am going on right way for real income of art . 

Or in this four years art exercise  I can know some right way of income of art. Here I can define to income of art as a creative art master . income of art is  connection  to culture, system, society or to common person of our world family about right education of peace and love for better world and social life.

HOn'ble President of India is submitting Bharat  Ratan Award to Sachin Tendulkar
In our world family  we have lots of social communities , they are always paying a right reward to a right person of our world that same logic is working on artist or creative person of our world family . today we have in our world culture  Nobel prize, it is a right income of a creative person when he /she get it from society of Nobel prize . they are not asking to creative person what is  your bank balance or  your money income ? they are asking what is in your vision for world peace or love and what kind of exercise  you are doing in our contemporary world family for real peace and love ?

Yesterday  in my country I were noticed a very good answer about income of art . our Hon’ble  former Prime minister of INDIA  Sir Atal Bihari Bajpai ji  was got  India’s top most reward  Bharat Ratan reward for his creative  sound from Government of INDIA . in his real life he is  a great politician but in field of creativity/art  ( poetry ) he is  a real peace creator of INDIA .our Hon’ble Former Prime Minister  Sir Atal Bihar Bajpai ji was got income in his real social life a top post of Indian government system that was prime minister post and in art or poetry field he is gain  real art income that is Bharat Ratan reward . this reward news was gave me once again full confidence about question of income of art .

 So here I said it what is income of art ?

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA.