Someone committed to
our nature they are great person of our
earth because they are thinking for better life on earth by way of
nature or that’s commitment to life. In this
list of commitment I can add to Saint ,teacher , social worker, thinker ,
writer, artist , creator , and researchers or carry persons.
I am thinking it
because I am master of Fine Art so it is in
my nature . because I have read to nature from my observation or it is very must for me if I
observe to nature or that’s complete system about life and live..too .
Friends I am thinking
about it because last month I were felt it . when my first academic Art Teacher Sir Vinod Acharya was came at my studio and he was expressed his right
critical condition with me . I were noticed his real critical condition and
then I said I will support to you Sir
because it is my first duty as a student
of yours .
Actually he wanted to
me help in visual art teaching to 12th
class students . they are art and drawing Students of a school .I can’t forget to help of my art teacher , yes My
first Academic Art Teacher Sir Vinod
Acharya was guided me when I were needed right guide line for my visuals art journey in my
school time , I were in class 12th ( Fine Art ) but
today In
my M.M. School Fine Art Subject is off from Education department of
Ajmer Board, Rajasthan ( it is very
critical ) but it is ..ha ( I am thinking where to come next art master from Bikaner without Fine Art Subject ? )
This year School of My
first Academic Art Teacher was gave a duty to
my first academic art teacher
vinod Acharya for teaching to Art And drawing to art Students . so my teacher
said to me “ yogendra you give me help then I can create confidence
in my school art students .
My teacher was needed
my help so I said yes I will come with
you that movement I did a self commitment to me , actually that
was my art commitment to my first academic art teacher .
when I went to his
school there I saw many students were not interested in subject art and drawing
. when I were talked to them then they were said to me sir we can’t create any
art from our hand we can’t sir, we can’t .
That time I said to all
art students , dear you all will create fine art work from your hand
in a one week , I sure about it. They said to me “ it is not possible “
. but I said you will do it , because I know
it as a art master . ha
Fist day they were
created some sketches on my instructions that was just a live test of students
mind or art interest. I were observed possibility in their art exercise and
then I got fully confidence in me.
Today after seven days I
saw 25 something students were created a color still life work after seven days
exercise with me . I saw a magical
result from all students they were done
very fine work in very short time with full confidence or dedication .
They were surprising to
principal of their school or to art teacher of them when they were visited
their class work after seven days . it was a live reward to me from dedication
of art students of my first academic Art Teacher school .
In this live art
exercise I were completed myself
commitment , I were gave first result of art exercise in seven day by a first colorful art work of all art students of that
School .
In this commitment of
art I were planned in myself vision,
first I will give free space to students for fear free expression in front side
of myself , I will not put presser on mind of art students , I will not help
directly in drawing and painting
from my hand and I will not
depress to any one in my art class when
they create and draw something mistakenly , by this self commitment or rule of
commitment I could created a very light
and art environment in our art class or that’s result is come out in seven days
with first colorful still life art work . some visual of first result of art
commitment about your visit with this post.
So here I said to it
commitment To myself …
Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA
the true artist first teaches himself and then if his vision is clear he must impart that learning to others, either by his work or by his actual teaching, either way is the pure road
somehow the statement I mADE GOT Publishes as 'ANONYMOUS
Congratulations! I like you as a teacher and as a man! You're on your way!
ENZO MARINO Italy said it to me on facebook after notice to this post of art vibration ..
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