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Hon'ble President of INDIA Pranab Mukhar ji submitting BHARAT RATAN Reward to Former Prime Minister, Poet ,thinker , creator , peace designer Shri Atal Bihari Vajpai ji At His Home . |
Sir Richard Cox is a
artist of visual art from United Kingdom . he was came at Rajasthan School of art collage , there he was gave his art work
demo and he was exhibited art work for art study about art collage students . I
were third Year student of B.FA.
painting in Rajasthan School of art when
he was came in our art collage . in his art presentation time , he was gave us a very good speech about
art and artist .
He was told to us ,( his speech in English and by bad luck I were
not knew very much English in that time
but some classmates were with me from English medium so they were translated his
true art speech for me . ) He said ( point be note – here I am telling to you his kind words in English by my own English knowledge ,its short but it
will communicate to you his true + right
art words )
need a true person, a dedicated nature , right think, strong commitment, clear
vision .
said you can create very fine art work
that is good but Art need very first a pure ,true or a right character ,
if you are a right character then your all creation is automatically right and
useful for society .
This kind words of Sir
Richard Cox , I am remembering today , because today I observe a right action
about a right character of my nation , I
can say he is a artist, poet ,politician ,social actives ,former prime mister
of INDIA and in very first a very pure
,right and committed person of My nation
Yes I am saying about our
Hon’ble Former Prime minister cum Poet
Shri Atal Bihari Vajpai ji . his character is based on INDIAN
His character is
fit on definition of artist , according to
sir Richard cox . Shri Atal ji was dedicated his true soul power to our nation
, he was gave respect to nation very
first and then to his self creative life . he was not showed any shows by him
in nation or in other countries . but when nation need to him his soul power he
was showed very clearly as a right person of a nation . As a art student ( I know
life is a live school so I am art student after my master of Art ) I am
noticing to respectable Atal ji , he is a very good person, in his thinking nation INDIA is his own family , this
soft thinking of him is pulling to me always . And his true character is pushing
to my vision on words of Sir Richard Cox .
His true character is very simple like clean water , his creation is very meaning or useful for uneducated or
educated society of our world family . so he is a very big artist of our world
In our nation INDIA we all are giving full
respect to him or his dedicated work contribution .
Today we INDIAN were
gave full respect to Atal ji in form of Bharat Ratan from Rashtrpati BHAWAN of INDIA .
Mostly this respect , our
Hon’ble President of INDIA give at
Rashtpati BHAWAN from his hand but for
Atal ji our Hon’ble President of
India Pranab Mukharji was changed to
Bharat Ratan reward format .
Hon’ble President of
INDIA was went to home of Respectable Sir Atal Bihari Vajpai ji and there he was submitted BHARAT RATAN
reward to Sir Atal ji from his hand to this evening .
Our Hon’ble president of INDIA Pranab Mukharji
was proved it reward is very small in front side of a true committed character or creator
. I am feeling nice because Hon’ble President of INDIA know it how to give respect and reward to a
true person of our nation . today he has started a right action about reward by his
historical step about BHARAT RATAN Submission in hand of Sir ATAL BHIHARI VAJPAI JI at his home .
Today Sir Atal ji has
achieved everything in his life , BHARAT RATAN a very up level reward of INDIA
,second Hon’ble President of INDIA came his home and he was submitted BHARAT
RATAN by his hand to Atal ji with full respect I can say to this evening I
saw a complete output about a true
creator or his/her creation .. on this live condition I am remembering to words
of Artist Richard Cox …
So here I said I am
remembering The words of Richard Cox …
( a short Hindi text note - i have wrote it and updated it today morning on online ..
आज मैं मेरे भारतीय होने पर फक्र महसूस कर रहा हूँ ! क्योंकि आज मेरे
देश में वो महत्त्व पूर्ण काम होने जा रहा है जिसे बहुत पहले हो जाना
चाहिए था ! पर फिर भी देर आये दुरुस्त आये पर आये ! आज मेरे देश भारत में
व्यक्ति के महत्त्व को महत्त्व दिया जाएगा देश के प्रथम नागरिक महामहिम
राष्ट्रपति जी के करकमलों से ! राष्ट्र को समर्पित उस व्यक्तित्व के पास
जाकर उसे भारत रत्न सम्मान से नवाज कर ! समर्पित व्यक्तियों से ही देश का
निर्माण और चहुमुखी विकास होता है ! इस लिए राष्ट्र को समर्पित व्यक्ति का महत्त्व उतना ही है जितना की एक राष्ट्र और देश के राष्ट्रपति का !
आदरणीय काव्यशास्त्री ,राजनीतिशात्री ,धर्मशास्त्री , जीवनशास्त्री और दर्शनशास्त्री देश को समर्पित वरिष्ठ व्यक्तित्व श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपई जी को आज उनके निवास स्थान पर महामहिम राष्ट्रपति श्री प्रणब मुखर्जी अपने कर कमलों से भारत रत्न भेंट कर के भारत वर्ष के गौरव को ओर ऊंचा करेंगे ! सो हृदय की गहराइयों से देश के प्रथम नागरिक महामहिम राष्ट्रपति श्री प्रणब मुखर्जी जी को साधुवाद और सम्मानीय श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपई जी को हार्दिक बधाई और आभार इस सम्मान को स्वीकारने के लिए … जय हिन्द …)
आदरणीय काव्यशास्त्री ,राजनीतिशात्री ,धर्मशास्त्री , जीवनशास्त्री और दर्शनशास्त्री देश को समर्पित वरिष्ठ व्यक्तित्व श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपई जी को आज उनके निवास स्थान पर महामहिम राष्ट्रपति श्री प्रणब मुखर्जी अपने कर कमलों से भारत रत्न भेंट कर के भारत वर्ष के गौरव को ओर ऊंचा करेंगे ! सो हृदय की गहराइयों से देश के प्रथम नागरिक महामहिम राष्ट्रपति श्री प्रणब मुखर्जी जी को साधुवाद और सम्मानीय श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपई जी को हार्दिक बधाई और आभार इस सम्मान को स्वीकारने के लिए … जय हिन्द …)
Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA
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