Front view of Junaghad fort , Bikaner.2002
I can't forget that day when our city Commissioner Mr. A.Mukoupadhyay had visited my street art exhibition . that was his special art visit for me. we had not invited to any one by invitation for visit but he did came for visit my art work . that was a great moment of my art journey. here by this post i want to share a one more art story of my art journey with you on subject of Heritage Project.
In 2002 i were started a big project on "Heritage " in that project i were added a one more artist of my home town Mr. Mohan . we had work in street of Bikaner for 4 to 5 month continue .we had selected the street of historical place of Bikaner and then we did drawing lots of view of streets in art drawing and after drawing we did exhibition in that street for common visitors. that was our study work ,you can say it and i will accept it.ha..
In that art project we had draw lots of art work then we had learn the prospective drawing sense of buildings with stone carving design that was tuf work for me but i were started and we were committed by ourself for art study so we had created that art work...ha
In that art project we had draw 5 th historical spot of Bikaner one by one .
here i want to share some visuals of that art work and street exhibition.

Street Drawing of a old building of Bikaner city,2002

A light lamp Drawing of Junaghad fort Bikaner. 2002 .this Art work is in collection of Princess of Bikaner, Shidhi kumari, Its exhibit in her PRACHINA SANGHRALAY,Junaghad fort Bikaner.

Street Exhibition at Rampuriya Haweli Street,Bikaner,2002

A boy is visiting the view of Rampuriya street in Drawing,2002

Complete view of RAMPURIYA HAWELI street exhibition,Bikaner 2002

Children are enjoying the Street exhibition in RAMPURIYA STREET.Bikaner ,2002
Kind your information when we were exhibit our art work, that time city people were supporting us every time they were making tea and brake fast water service etc.they were loving us and our art activity.because in street, kids were learning live art study by our art exercise.we were making sense of art in kids by our heritage art project and today i can say that Street art exhibition is my real Heritage of art journey..ha
when we had exhibit our art work in Rampuriya Street then a one senior theater artist Mr. Suraj Shingh pawar had promot us by his visit. he did buy our two art work for his art collection.that time tourism writer society director Mr. U.C. Kochar had visited our art exhibition with his life partner . he did like our art exercise and art presentation.
After Rampuriya Street Drawing and exhibition we did draw some more art work of Laxminath temple that temple is very old and historical temple. so we had selected that for drawing exercise finally we had draw 20 drawing and then exhibited on the spot for visitor here i can share a one image of print media report about our art exhibition.

After Laxminath temple we did went to Junaghad Fort for Drawing exercise we had draw the view of Junaghad fort 15 to 20 days continue . there all Junaghad fort staff were know us as a art student . kind your information the junaghad fort is in under of King Trust community.so first we had taken permission for Drawing then we were started the drawing of that beautiful fort . after 15th days we had draw 20 drawing and then we did demand a one wall of fort for exhibition. after some small problem i did got the permission for exhibition on own risk. i were requested to Trust director of junaghad fort then he did asked to me full information about our art project and i were share all matter and art project report with him in his office of LALGHAD FORT.
One day we had pasted our art work on inside wall of Junaghad fort . Junaghad fort live full day busy by visitors so we were very busy in our art exhibition at Junaghar fort.lots of people had visited our art drawing and media had published our art project continue step by step so that day media repoter was with us.
At 5 pm we did saw a red light car came in Junaghad fort. i were thought a GOVT.officer came for visit of Junaghad fort.But thet red light car were stop in front side of our exhibition wall . a office came out from that care and asked to some one . who is draw this artistic art work. then we were went near to that officer he told me . i am come here for your exhibition visit specially after off my office time.i were reply to him thank you sir. then he did share his post and name with us .he told me i am city commissioner of Bikaner and my name is A.Mukopadhyay. I were happy because we had not invited him but he was in our art exhibition after read the news by news paper.
He told me i like art and artist vision. He did visited our all work with full time and patience one by one. Finally he did liked a one art work of myself and he did asked to me, that art work cost then i were told him its our exercise work and we are exhibiting it for visual language education in mid of our society and we are continue busy in this art project to last 4 months.after listen my word he told me very good art work of yours . but i want to buy your one selective art work. then i told him i will submit to you my one work with fram as a gift i will not sale my work to you .He told me i will exhibite your creative art work in my home i have a free space in my room for 15X20 inchesh. When you give me your creative art work i will exhibit there with full respect of art. That was very big word and reward for me from our city Commissioner and his special art visit was a second reward for our hard work of Street Drawing and Street exhibition. that time the Director of Junaghad fort got the information of City Commissioner visit he came for invite to commissioner sir, but he did not went in Junaghad fort for visit and he told to Director of Junaghad fort i did came for visit the art exhibition of our youth artist .I did came here specially for visit of our youth art energy i have not time for Junaghad Fort visit..!
when city commissioner Mr. A.Mukopadhyay had gone then Director of Junaghad Fort did asked to me, are you invited him? i were reply to Director of Junaghad fort no sir he was came on his self art interest we were not invited him .then director of Junaghad fort had put his hand on my head and bless me. he told me you are very smart ..ha
After that art exhibition i were submitted my one selected art work as a gift to Bikaner princess Shidhi Kumari ( in present she is M.L.A of Bikaner) and after that to City Commissioner Mr. A.Mukopadhyay on his special art visit of our Street Exhibition...!
Yogendra kumar purohit