In 2004, i were participated in 12th Art Fair of Lalit Kala Academy of Rajasthan , that was in JKK Shilp gram Jaipur . i were exhibit my art work in that art fair by academic system of RAJASTHAN LALIT KALA ACADEMY,Jaipur. that time i were in masters education and my mind was puzzle by life matter that time my pocket was very short and small i were pay the fee of Art fair and my study work wanted more energy and money by me for next creation so you can understood my condition mostly in art education time all student are facing this condition. i have lots of example but i want to explain it by word "HUNGER" Hunger of creation, Hunger of Achievement ,Hunger of art medium, hunger of best presentation and hunger of vision..! i were also busy in HUNGER matter. that time i were read a book in collage library that book writer was Philosopher Mr. MADUGAL he had wrote the two base of life in his article , first is FEAR and second is HUNGER....ha !
But i had Participated in that Art fair so no way for back step by my art nature . i were join every day with full time . and i were watching all activity of art and creativity by other artist of Rajasthan. but i were not happy in side of myself and that time i can't understood that condition of myself , why i am puzzle but i were . i think only my art teacher Dr. Vidhyasagar Upadhyay was knowing my inner condition.!
Day by day we got last day of 12 th art fair all were waited of that day because Academy is giving award and certificate and prize money to best artist of art fair. but in art no one can say one art is best ( i will explain more on this matter with next post for your vision.) but academy rule is rule. this rule is making a tuf condition in mind of Artist that's name is "HUNGER"..!
in that game all are doing fight because they are feeling Fear in side ..ha, i can say that is game of "HUNGER" .
On last day of Art Fair the Lalit kala academy of Rajasthan have designed a big stage and invited to Great Art Master & Director of Bharat Bhawan ART Center Mr. MANJIT BAWA .
he were came in that art fair and join us. i were know about him then, went to market and buy a sketchbook and a sketch pen because i were wanted sign with drawing of Artist MANJIT BAWA.
Finally 4 pm he came in art fair and he had started visit the artist art shop step by step one by one in that way he came on my shop and asked to me my name i told him, I am yogendra kumar purohit from Bikaner and busy in master study in Rajasthan School of Art,Jaipur. he asked me a next Question what you have create then i express my art vision with my installation art i were share my life vision with my work . after visit and listen my word and work he told me live continue with this mood ..
Here i want to share my picture with Art Master MAJIT BAWA in 12 th Art Fair of Lalit Kala Academy of Rajasthan JKK.Jaipur.for your visit.

in this picture left side myself with art Master Manjit Bawa and right side my art installation 14-2-2004, & life work exhibition.
After visit my art work Manjit bawa were moved then i were told him sir please stop for a minute. he asked me why ? then i were gave my sketchbook in hand of Majit Bawa and requested him please draw something for me from your hand, first he told me no i am very tired sorry but, i pressed again and told him i were waited all day at here for your visit and drawing so its must for you if you draw for your junior artist , i will care it very much. after listen my word he draw a eye in my sketchbook. here i want to share that drawing image for your visit i am caring that art drawing in my collection today.

when he was drawing ,that time he told me you are very crazy boy for art. i were smiling on his word and i were happy BAWA had Draw a drawing in my sketchbook. i were first art student of that art fair because i were got the sign by MAJIT BAWA with His drawing all were watching that activity and my condition of ART "HUNGER".
after visit of art Fair Academy was started open art talk and all artist of Art Fair was presented in that art talk . i were also sited there . Artist Manjit Bawa and other senior artist of Rajasthan were sited on stage .and open art talk was started one by one artist's were sharing and asking question and stage artist reply to all. on a one point my mind click to myself for a question to Artist Manjit Bawa. i were up my hand for chance by luck i got chance for question. i were far to stage but i asked with my pure sound with out mike . i did asked direct a question sir how to a artist give completeness of his or her HUNGER ?
Manjit Bawa were listened my question then he reply me "HUNGER" word for Art. no way for completeness of HUNGER in a pure artist life ,this HUNGER is very Must for your real art vision,he told me without HUNGER how to you create the new way for completeness. my boy HUNGER have lots of Definition what kind of HUNGER in you , know that and work for that HUNGER, but you will not catch the completeness and when you feel on a point its complete that day you leave to Art ..so you just know to your inner HUNGER and work on that order and try to make more HUNGER yourself because HUNGER word for ART.
after that Art talk with Manjit Bawa i were come out from my puzzle condition of mind . and i were started to know ,the simple way for art creation and i were gave free space to my inner Art HUNGER..that's result i am more HUNGER for Art Today...ha
A real jok :- after that open art talk my one artist friend came near to myself and told me why you not said to me you are HUNGER i can cook and serve for you ..ha
that time i told to them i will say to you when i feel HUNGER ok ..but today who tell to them i am feeling HUNGER ....you can lough ...Because HUNGER WORD FOR ART..MANJIT BAWA SAID TO Me...!
yogendra kumar purohit
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