Point be noted i am saying about national think for art not for national award.when you are with national art then you will with national award...ha.
any way i want to clear the national think for art at here by a small but a remarkable story of my art journey.
In 2000-01 , we had exhibit a group art exhibition by "MANTHAN" A contemporary artist group at Ravindra bhawan Lalit kala gallery ,Delhi.that was our first art exhibition of MANTHAN In center of Nation. we were very new for Delhi . we were not know to any body in Delhi after building of RAVINDRA BHAWAN and Rest house of Lalit kala Academy.but we want to pull the eyes of Delhi art lovers for our art exhibition. so we had display our exhibition poster on some art gallery and art collages and we were wrote a press note for Delhi press . i were wrote in that press note 6 artist of RAJASTHAN will Exhibit his art work at Lalit Kala Academy ,Ravindra Bhawan,Delhi, we have published same line in our exhibition poster and invitation.kind your information we were collect the invitation list from our Lalit kala academy and then we were posted all invitation i think 1000 invitation to artist of Delhi or our national artist.but that was just a activity. our mind was fix on print media Delhi.
we were submit our press note one day before to press at office of ITO Delhi.thats result came next day on our exhibition day. we read our pres note with head line 6 Artist of Rajasthan will exhibit his art work at Rawindra Bhawan today. we were feel happy because we had promot the name of RAJASTHAN ART and Artist as a identity..that was great feeling for us that time.we all are confident for our artexhibition and kind your information we had not invite to any body for opening we are not want to create any drama that was our MANTHAN Rule art for visitor without brake and formality ..ha
when our exhibition were started for visitor then we all member of MANTHAN was busy in explain our art and art vision to visitorsand to press peoples. that was our fresh color exhibition i can say that was our fresh energy of art and we had used pure color of our art sense .all are promoting us in our gallery with artistic and critical comment on our visitor book and media published us with full support.thats one example for you at here with this published article copy image.

A magazine had published a article on our "MANTHAN" Art GROUP..
on third day of our art exhibition a senior artist came for visit our art exhibition. he was alone with a small Khadi Bag and he was looking like a artist . white hair a stick in hand for support and a white glass on eyes and very critical smile on his face. he did came in our art gallery and direct asked to us . this is a exhibiton of Manthan group. we reply yes sir. then he asked a very critical question to us .what is the 6th Rajasthan Artist's exhibition can you explain it ..? we all artist of our Manthan were silent because that was very tuf question for us. we are watching face and thinking who reply to him about his question.and he was asking to us and want a reply with a right answer as a art teacher . then by luck my mind had read his question sense and i were design a answer for him but before that answer , i were understood his in direct message for our national think,..i were reply to him with some smartness i told, sir we want to pull the media for our art exhibition because we are very new in Delhi .we don't know to any body after lalit Kala academy so we were wrote a line 6th artist of Rajasthan in our press note and media have read our sound and they have published for you and you are here for our visit its mean we had achieved you for our art exhibition .he was smile hahaha nice.. then he asked to us are you INDIAN or RAJASTHANI.. i were reply to him sir i am INDIAN, because he want to listen to me this type word i had read it from his first question, he did want to check our sense of vision about art journey and i think i got pass mark from him that day. he told me yes we are first Indian then artist forget small thinking like we are from Rajasthan jaipur Delhi etc and smile again in his style ha ha ha..! that day to i am saying to all i am from INDIA ,when Indian people ask to me where you from and where you live.after listen my answer they are saying to me we also INDIAN . in that time they feel what they have asked to me and why. we are in a one home thats name is INDIA..for this think i want say thanks to that senior Artist of our nation...ha.ha.ha..!
that was my first live talk to a national artist of our Nation in my art gallery as a artist. after he was visited our art exhibition and told to us some one have good skill of drawing so do continue drawing and some one have poetry language so try to read more deep feeling . and he told i am happy after visit your art exhibition he wrote for MANTHAN best of luck and went from our gallery for next gallery visit but there he said there our 6th artist of Rajasthan title for
publicity of us...ha
after that meeting with that artist i were meet to him in Delhi, and in Kota camp i were invited him by my junior Artist Master Chndrashekhar Sen and then we were meet in Gwaliyer .
ok after this story i am going to share the name and picture of that national artist of INDIA . his name is National Awarded Artist SHRI UMESH VERMA ,Delhi.
National Awarded Artist Shri Umesh Verma Drawing for me in my sketchbook.Kota.
Artist Shri Umesh Verma is thinking for his art visuals in Kota Art Camp.
Artist Shri Umesh Verma is busy in his painting work at Kalarang Kalasang art camp , Gwaliyer
yogendra kumar puroihit
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एडिटर इन चीफ
जर्नलिस्ट टुडे नेटवर्क
yogendra jee
namaskar !
bahut sunder hai post ,magar ek nivedan bhi ki lya aap ki post hindi me bhi nahi ho sakti ? beshak aap ka field english me hai phir bhi hindi aasani se bhartiya to padh hi sakta hai , mera vichar hai , aap kala ki unchaeyon ko chume , ye kamna hai
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