Logo of Our Seven day collage art workshop-BALAT 2011,Bikaner . |
Friends we know life
definition is journey , we all are live busy every time in journey that journey path is our time or
body , some time we are live busy in
physical journey or some time we live busy in visional journey. It is a
universal fact with us.
I am Artist and I am continue
busy in my art journey after
commitment to art field . in that commitment
I have passed 20 years without brake or it is continue with
my life , you can say to it, its my
art life. In this art journey , year 2011 , I were called to youth artists of my city Bikaner For a seven day art workshop .
Because that time summer holiday was on for all .
After my art call I saw
seven artists were came with me about a art workshop for seven days . that was open challenged for us , because environment was very hot , temperature
was near 45 to 48 , but some youths art
energy were accepted that art challenge . they all were committed to art and then with my love .
we seven Artist in mood of rest after second day work of our collage art work in hot environment at Sudarshana Kala Dirgha, Bikaner, |
We were booked our art work place and we were created work concept at my
studio and then we find a
subject for work collage art work by color magazine paper cut paste . we were booked Sudarshana kala Dirgha ( Art Gallery of
Bikaner ) for seven days .we were fixed
our meeting time at Sudarshana kala
dirgha with our pocket money that art
journey we were started by our self pocket money just like a group tour of any
tour station.
Our first day of art journey I were went very first at
Sudarshana kala dirgha I were opened to gallery and waited to all six youth artists. One by
one artist was came in gallery with art tool ort art mood . all were in full
confidence about work of art or about that environmental challenge. When we all
seven artists were seated in gallery
that time we were collected money for art medium .Here to our real art journey of seven days was started .
we all seven artist is busy in work of our collage painting in
workshop of BALAT -2011 , Bikaner . |
First day journey was completed by us through collection of
art medium like gum, gum tem , big paper sheets , colorful magazines and some
more tool for art work . After collection of that art medium we were fixed work place of each one artist in gallery
and , in gallery wall we were fixed a
space for our workshop logo design . in
mid of work we were trying to get coolness by ice water or by cold drinks. In first day work place fixing time, we were gave name to our workshop “ BALAT “
This is Rajasthani Language word ,its mean craziness about work passion .We were
passionate about our art work in 40 to 48 degree temperature .Really we were crazy in
that movement why we don’t know but we were . ha
In first day we were created a logo design in collage work
for our workshop , with words of Rajasthani
Language . we all seven Artists
Mr. Kalam Kishor Joshi, Mr. Anurag Swami, Mr. Anikesh Kachhawa , Mr. Shankar
Roy , Mr. Shrikan Ranga , Mr. Shiv Kumar Swami , and myself yogendra kumar purohit were created one work on first
day of our art journey in that movement someone were cutting paper and someone pasting to that
paper on collage work sheet. Some someone were shooting visuals by camera and
someone were giving cold water to all . I
saw our art journey was started with corporation like a family , I were watching
to all like a master or as a member of that art journey .ha, overall first day we were completed a art
journey day with joint work in form of collage and that’s result we got a mix
ideal art work in form of logo design of our art workshop . that was a first great
art journey day of seven artists .
Day Second , we were started our Art Journey at 11 am in Art
gallery , that day we all were selected our place of art work because we have pasted work sheet on gallery
boards before work , there we were talked about work and that’s concept. then I were gave idea just create your own
idea and image on your sheet , feel free and do work , in mid you can talk on work and concept to other
artist we will help to each other . our second day art journey
was very busy , because all artists were busy in subject drawing and that’s color
paper selection from Magazines. That was interesting for all we were calling to other hey I want yellow if you find then save for me other one told I want blue dark blue
so any one find then give me..like that ha. Really that was interesting task
for all . but second day we could not completed our drawing or collage work .
we were closed to gallery and went to home . in mid of home way we were shared
some art news by press note with city
media or with press .
Day third , was very busy like our second day of that art
journey . we were came in gallery on time and then got busy in work . we all
were selected some complicated and big conceptual work in collage form ,and collage work was looking easy but that’s process was very tuf we knew in that art journey . third
day we were taken some light food and then cold water , that day temperature
was very high I think near 50 degree or up ..so we were not normal that was
environmental challenged for us. But we were lived busy with full of patience
and worked on our work sheet .
Dr.Shatish Gupta is giving demo of Montage Art In our art workshop of
Collage Art work , at Sudarshana kala dirgha ,Bikaner 2011 |
Day four , I were invited
to some senior artist for visit
our art workshop and someone came in gallery for visit after read our art
workshop news by news paper . so fourth
day was a light day because that day our workshop artists were came in
finishing line of first work . that day we were updated lots of visuals on
online from gallery. you can say that was live show of our art workshop on
online by a small laptop .ha , On forth
day of our art journey we were invited to montage art master Dr. Shatish Gupta ji
, he was gave us a live demo of his montage art and we were discussed on collage and montage art Subject with him , so our fourth day of art workshop was a learning day about collage or montage art. We were served
some brake fast and cold drink to our senior Sir Shatish Gupta ji , by luck
that day A electronic media E TV news Editor and Photographer Mr. Dheeraj Joshi
came in our gallery and he was covered our montage or collage art work activity
or E TV was telecasted that art news on E
TV evening news.
Seven Artist still with his big collage work of Balat Art Workshop |
Day five , we were completed our one big work in collage
form by hard work or patience . our patience
you can visit in our work visuals at
here. Fifth day was day of art talk that
day National awarded Artist Shri Mahaveer Swami , Literature person Shri
Bhawani Shankar vyas and critic Saral visharad ji came in our gallery and they
were visited our collage work and that’s impressions . there I were noticed
Artist Mahaveer ji was explaining our work to writer Bhawani shaker ji and Bhawani
Shankar Vyas ji was Explaining our
workshop title BALAT to Saral visharad ji or to Mahaveer ji with example of Writer kanhiyalal sethiya ji
he told ( Balat word is from Rajasthani and Kanhaiyalal Sethiya writer of
Rajasthani language was used this word
many time in his literature ) that was
great movement for we all seven Artists of BALAT art workshop . we were selected a very rich
word of literature of Rajasthani language , we were selected that unconsciously
but that title selection was clicked to
others consciousness, it was true success or our title selection . Over all after art and literature talk our
fifth day was complete by art journey we were walked five days continue by art
exercise on path of art Journey.
21 collage Art work of Seven Artist of Balat Art Workshop , at Sudarshana Kala dirgha , Bikaner -2011 |
Day six , that day we all seven artists were stared second
work in collage , that work size was 12
X 12 inches . Artist Shankar and myself were lived very much busy on fifth day of our art
workshop , in that movement me and Shankar were created four- four work in
collage and in work race we came first
to all, ha. We were criticism to all for
their work speed . we were joking but friendly on all five Artists. I said to
them you five artist is walking very
slow to us so move fast and come with us ..now. that was critical guide line to
all youth artist but I were knew collage work is very slow speed work . on sixth day we were completed 21st
art work in collage style some work was
in under process or on final stage .
Day seven , last stage of our seven day journey by way of
art. On seventh day I were invited to
Director of archeology department of Bikaner. Dr. Mahendra Khadgawat for visit our Art workshop . I were went his office
before our workshop time , there I were wrote a invitation note on paper and
handover In hand of his office worker . After that invitation activity I came
in gallery there Artist Anurag told me
my father will come today evening for visit our art work because he was thinking
something for our workshop art work, we all were knew that day was last day or
our workshop so we were reset to gallery
like a art gallery our work was ready for art visitor after final touch, we
were surprised to ourself after visit our work and gallery condition or
environmental challenged , we felt happy and cool in hot environment after some
hard exercise for work of art .that was really tuf art journey but time was
gave full support to us so we could done that .
National Awarded Artist Mahaveer Swami is busy in visit of collage art workshop painting ,at Sudarshana kala dirgha
Bikaner, 2011 |
in evening time Artist Mahaveer Swami ji and archeology department
Director Dr. Mahendra Khadgawat sir came in gallery and visited our art work ,
he was saw first time collage art work and that’s exhibition in Bikaner or in
his life. He was enjoying to our work of art and then in last movement of his
visit .he was gave us some gift money or promotional donation from account of Rajasthani bhasha sahity avam sanskriti Academy. because he was managing to Rajasthani bhasha
sahity avam sanskriti academy as a
director too. That art promotion action of
Dr. Mahendra Khadgawat our city news
paper was published with his picture. Before visit of Dr. Mahendra Khadgawat , national Awarded Artist Shri Mahaveer Swami
ji came in our art gallery and he told I
want to collect your all 21 collage art work
so can you give me or not ? he told to us
I will pay you your work cost par artist 2000 /- are you ready or not ?
Dr. Mahendra Khadgawat is enjoying collage painting of Kamal kumar joshi and i am explaining his work process
to Dr. mahendra Khadgawat on last day of our collage Art workshop , in Sudarshana Kala Dirgha Bikaner, 2011 . |
That work collection talk was a last stage of our seven day
art journey we were started that journey from first day and on seven day we
were created 21 art work and that’s work pulled
to a real art collector of our city so after a short talk we were gave
our work to Artist Mahaveer Swami ji , and we were got 14000 + 2000 = 16000 rupees
by that seven day art journey . here I want to relate this art journey to our
INDIAN Mythology theory , people start journey for temple by walk they can walk
100 to 1000 KM. with trust and respect about god and that’s temple . they are
just walk and walk and on last stage they are arrive to that god temple . on
temple they are pray and get blessing from super power and they are get relax in
life journey .that same condition was applied on our art journey we were stated from empty
hand in very hot environment without proper art medium but our aim and vision
was set for art exercise with true seven
days journey by way of art. so in last
day I mean on seventh day we got some positive energy and blessing from seniors
with some financial backup or art promotion . over all our BALAT art workshop
have completed seven days successful art Journey by seven Artists..
(BALAT was Continue … 2 -3 -4.. )
Yogendra kumar purohit
Master Of Fine Art